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例句 Go and put on a different tie.去换一条领带。The school is going to put on a gymnastic display.这所学校将举行体操表演。The government is proposing to put on a new range of taxes to pay for social services.政府准备征收一系列新税,以应付社会的开支。I'm afraid I'm not a very good advertisement for the diet since I've actually put on weight!恐怕我不是这套减肥饮食计划的活广告,因为我的体重实际上是增加了!He didn't want to put on more weight.他不想增加体重。The government would inflate the economy and then put on price controls.政府将先让经济膨胀,然后再实施物价管制。He was put on a diet of milky food.他按照医嘱要食用乳制品。The arrangement was put on a permanent footing earlier this year.今年年初就确定了这一安排是长期性的。They put on their coats and tramped through the falling snow.他们穿上外套,拖着沉重的步子行走在飞雪中。She carefully put on her most innocent expression.她小心翼翼地装出毫不知情的样子。She put on a Southern accent when she answered the phone.她接电话时装出一口南方口音。The captives were put on parade for television.俘虏们在电视上示众。His name had been put on a bronze plaque in raised letters.他的名字用凸起的字母刻在一块铜匾上。Disposable nappies are fairly straightforward to put on.一次性尿布很容易穿上。They put on a spectacular fireworks display.他们举办了场面壮观的烟花燃放。I put on the green metallic helmet.我戴上了绿色的金属头盔。Extra buses are being put on to cope with the demand.正在增开公交车应对需求。Responsibility for the accident was put on the other driver.事故的责任被归到另一个司机身上。The town puts on a fireworks display every Independence Day.每年独立日的时候,镇上都要举行焰火表演。She puts on far too much makeup.她涂了太多的化妆品。I took my boots off and put on some slippers.我脱下靴子换上了拖鞋。The workers at the mill were put on short time.那个面粉厂的工人不得不面临开工不足。You've put on your sweat shirt backwards.你把汗衫前后穿倒了。Dorothy put on her coat and went out.多萝西穿上大衣出去了。He likes to put on airs in front of the media.有媒体在场的时候,他总是喜欢装模作样。Pat was wearing an outrageous purple dress, so, not to be outdone, I put on my new gold suit.帕特穿了件前卫惹火的紫色连衣裙,我不甘示弱,穿上了那套新买的金色套装。The Cockney accent was put on for effect.这伦敦腔是为了给人留下深刻印象而故意装出来的。He put on a burst of speed.他突然加速了。I'll sort through these magazines, and put on one side those that I wish to keep.我会挑一下这些杂志,把我要的放在一边。The Cockney accent was put on for effect.这伦敦腔是为了给人以深刻印象而故意装出来的。He took a cold shower and then towelled off before he put on fresh clothes.他冲了个凉水澡,用毛巾擦干身子后换上了新衣服。Two skinheads were put on trial for those murders last week.上周两个光头党成员因为那几宗谋杀案而被带上法庭受审。Before your interview you'd be well advised to have another look at what you put on the application form.我建议你在面试前最好再看一遍你在申请表上填的内容。He put on his slippers and padded out to the kitchen.他穿上拖鞋走到厨房去。I put on a happy face but I was miserable inside.我强颜欢笑,但内心非常痛苦。He put on some soft music and turned the lights down in order to give the room a little more atmosphere.为了使房间更富情调,他放起了轻柔的音乐,调暗了灯光。We put on music to block out the sound of the traffic.我们打开音乐以盖过车辆的声音。The team put on a poor show in the second half.球队下半场表现差劲。If it gets into the newspaper he'll be put on the spot.这件事一旦见报,他可就难堪了。These muscles work in a steady state for most of the race except at the end when the athlete puts on a spurt.在赛跑过程中这些肌肉多数时间里都匀速地运动着,但在最后运动员冲刺时则是例外。




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