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I didn't mean it as a put-down but I could tell from her response that she took my criticism personally.我无意贬低她,但从她的反应来看,她生气了。She was a master of the sarcastic put-down.用刻薄的话让人下不了台是她的拿手好戏。It was the ultimate put-down, and he blushed deeply.那根本就是羞辱,他的脸色变得通红。A sharp put-down was the only way to shut her up.只有犀利的反驳才能让她住嘴。I think he intended it as a put-down comment.我认为他的评论有奚落贬低之意。I see the term as a put-down of women.我认为这个词是对女性的贬低。 |