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词汇 push into
例句 One detachment pushed into the eastern suburbs towards the airfield.一支小分队开进了东部郊区向飞机场挺进。Government troops pushed into the northern sector.政府军挺进到北部地区。She felt herself pushed into an unknown country, not by love, but by anger.她感到自己不是被爱情而是被愤怒推入了一个陌生之地。The company is making a push into foreign markets. 这家公司正在努力打进国外市场。Corn acreage pushed into first place.玉米的种植面积居于首位。The troops pushed into that country last week.军队上周强行开进那个国家。I'm not surprised he shouted at you! How would you like to be pushed into a wall?他冲你嚷我一点都不奇怪!你愿意被人推到墙上吗?Although Mulumbu plays most of the game in the hole, he pushes into the box to support the strikers whenever possible.虽然穆伦布大部分时间的位置在防守队员之前以及其他前卫和前锋之后,但是只要有可能,他都会冲入对方禁区支援进攻。The army's push into enemy territory was successful.这支军队对敌境的推进是成功的。We were pushed into battle unprepared.我们毫无准备即被推入战斗。He was deliberately pushed into the path of the vehicle.他被故意推到了那辆车的行车道上。The army has made another big push into enemy territory.军队又在敌方领地挺进了一大步。Some workers are being pushed into higher tax brackets.一些工人正被推入更高的所得税等级。The man and his son had been pushed into the line of fire by their captors.父子俩被那些掳走他们的人推到了枪口前。He was pushed into the path of an oncoming train.他被推到了一列迎面开来的火车前。




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