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词汇 pursuit
例句 I disagree that dancing is an unmanly pursuit.跳舞不适合作为男人的爱好,这种说法我不赞同。They headed east at top speed in pursuit of the enemy ship.他们全速向东行驶去追击敌舰。He was almost maniacal in his pursuit of sporting records.他近乎发疯般地追求打破体育纪录。Policemen jumped over the wall of the Spanish Embassy in pursuit.警察在追捕中跳过西班牙大使馆的围墙。The gang drove off, with the police in hot pursuit.那帮匪徒驱车逃走,警察在后面紧紧追赶。Cheng raced through a crowded shopping mall in pursuit of the man who had grabbed her purse.程穿过拥挤的购物中心快速追赶那名抢了她钱包的男子。The police are in hot pursuit of the escaped convicts. 警方对越狱犯穷追不舍。They frequently move around the country in pursuit of a medical career.他们因为从医而频繁地在国内四处奔走。She was securely married yet still relished the thrill of the pursuit.她已经踏踏实实地结了婚,但依然享受被人追求的兴奋感。She has had to plough a lone/lonely furrow in her pursuit of reform.在追求改革的过程中,她只得单枪匹马地干。The criminal could not escape the ineludible pursuit of the law.罪犯难逃恢恢法网。The pursuit of good ends does not justify the employment of bad means.追求的目的正当并不证明可以使用不好的手段。She never spared herself in the pursuit of excellence.她竭尽全力追求卓越。There were four police cars in pursuit.有四辆警车在追赶。We wish him luck in his pursuit of the Olympic title.我们希望他能有好运相伴,最终获得奥运冠军。The police car raced through the streets in pursuit of the criminal.警车在街上急驶追踪那罪犯。He devoted his waking hours to the single-minded pursuit of his goal.他除了睡觉外,其他时间都一心一意追求自己的目标。He set off down the street in pursuit of the dog.他动身沿街追赶那条狗。They are committing themselves to the pursuit of truth.他们致力于追求真理。The police helicopter was mobilized in pursuit of drug smugglers.调动了警用直升机追捕毒贩。The police gave pursuit.警察开始追赶。The vigorous pursuit of policies is no guarantee of success.坚决贯彻方针政策并不能保证成功。Moreau took gold in the five-kilometre individual pursuit competition.莫罗在个人五公里追逐赛中获得金牌。Computer games are the ultimate anorak pursuit.电脑游戏是电脑迷的大爱。People are having to move to other areas in pursuit of work.为了找工作人们不得不迁移到其他地区。Fishing is his favorite pursuit.钓鱼是他最喜欢的消遣。Away ran the deer, with the hunters in hot pursuit.鹿跑了,猎人紧追不舍。International rules set the parameters for the legitimate pursuit of interests.国际法则为合法追求利益设定了规范。He dedicates most of his spare time to the pursuit of fitness.他把绝大部分业余时间花在了健身上。The whole magazine is produced and edited in the pursuit of excellence.这本杂志在出版和编辑的全过程都力求完美。The hounds were running in the woods in pursuit of a fox.这群猎犬正在树林里追狐狸。They were effective politicians, ruthless and single-minded in their pursuit of political power.他们都是些非常现实的政治家,一心追逐政治权力,为达目的毫不留情。Electricity workers have voted for industrial action in pursuit of a pay claim.电工们已经投票决定采取劳工行动以增加工资。They were motivated by the pursuit of the truth.他们是出于对真理的追求。The officers were still reluctant to unleash their troops in pursuit of a defeated enemy.军官们仍不愿发兵乘胜追击溃败的敌人。Relentless in his pursuit of quality, his technical ability was remarkable.对质量孜孜不倦的追求使他的技能出类拔萃。Like most successful politicians, she is pertinacious and single-minded in the pursuit of her goals.像多数成功的政治家一样,她在追求自己的目标时坚定不移、一心一意。The escaped prisoner ran through the park with the police in full pursuit. 那名逃犯穿过了公园,警方穷追不舍。Politicians dress up their ruthless ambition as a pursuit of the public good.政客们将他们的狼子野心美化成是谋求公共利益。He was captured without much pursuit.没有经过多少追捕就把他捉住了。




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