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词汇 purse
例句 It all comes down to who holds the purse strings.都得由掌管钱财的人说了算。She dove into her purse to find some change.她急忙伸手到手提包里找零钱。The thief ditched the purse in an alley.小偷把手提包扔到了小巷里。"Did you take any money out of my purse?" "Certainly not!"“你是不是从我钱包里拿钱了?”“绝对没有!”There is no money in the purse for this.钱包里没钱买这个。She slung her black leather purse over her shoulder.她把她的黑色皮包挎到肩上。I was running late and—wouldn't you know?—I rushed off without my purse.我当时快要迟到了。你还能不知道?我急匆匆离开,又忘了带手提包。She paid the bill and tucked her wallet back into her pocket/purse.她付了账,把钱包塞回了口袋/手提包。People should provide for their own retirement and not expect to be supported by the public purse.人们应当为自己的退休做好准备,而不应指望由国家来赡养。I felt someone take ahold of my purse.我觉得有人紧紧抓住了我的包。Fraud trials are often complex and have become an expensive drain on the public purse.诈骗案通常错综复杂,会给公共资金造成巨大损失。She took the money from her mother's purse, despite herself.她忍不住从母亲的钱包里拿了钱。Inflation puts extra demands on the state purse.通货膨胀使国家财政增添额外负担。She reached her hand into her purse to get her wallet.她将手伸进手提包去掏钱包。This piece of china is beyond my purse.这件瓷器我买不起。I've lost my purse.我的钱包丢了。It was too expensive for my purse.对我来说它太昂贵了。She pawed through her purse for matches.她在手提包里乱翻一气寻找火柴。Someone walked away with my purse!有人偷走了我的钱包!She reached into her purse.她将手伸入手提包中。A purse has been made up for the flood victims.已经为水灾灾民募捐到一笔款子。It wasn't until she was halfway home that she realized that she'd left her purse behind.在回家的半路上,她才意识到自己把钱包落下了。She took some money out of her purse and quickly zipped it up again.她从手提包里取出一些钱,又很快拉好拉链。Jimmy was caught pinching money from his mum's purse.吉米被发现从他母亲的钱包里拿钱。Cheng raced through a crowded shopping mall in pursuit of the man who had grabbed her purse.程穿过拥挤的购物中心快速追赶那名抢了她钱包的男子。She reached in her purse for cigarettes.她把手伸进手提包里拿烟。I need to clean out my purse.我需要清理一下我的手提包。I've broken the whatchamacallit on my purse.我把手提包上的那个什么东西弄坏了。You'll find some money in my purse.你会在我的钱包里找到点钱。The bank has been too slow in loosening the purse strings.银行一直迟迟不愿放开资金。The thief grabbed the purse and ran away with it.这贼猛地一把抓住钱包逃跑了。He riffled through her purse while she was out of the room.她不在房间时,他快速翻了一下她的手提包。A young boy pushed her over and snatched her purse as she fell.一个小男孩把她推倒在地上,然后抢走了她的钱包。The reforms had drained the public purse.这些改革已耗尽了国库。That purse is a knockoff.那个手提包是个冒牌货。I unthinkingly put my purse on the roof of the car.我想都没想就把手提包放在车顶上了。It's best to keep your purse out of sight in this office.在这个办公室里最好把钱包放在看不到的地方。A thief took my purse.小偷偷走了我的手提包。She sifted through her purse.她仔细翻看自己的钱包。The police restored the stolen purse to its owner.警方将被盗的手提包交还给了失主。




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