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词汇 pumped
例句 The valves in the heart control how quickly the blood is pumped around the body.心脏瓣膜控制着血液输送到身体各处的速度。The tyre had a slow puncture and had to be pumped up every day.车胎上有个慢撒气的孔,必须每天充气。He pumped the ball up too much and it exploded.他给球打气打得太足,球爆了。Heat from the chimneys is pumped back in to supplement the heating system.烟囱的热能被回吸进供热设备以增强其热力。Government funds are being pumped into the ailing steel industry.大笔政府资金被投入面临困境的钢铁产业。Water is pumped up from springs, and jealously hoarded.水从泉里抽上来并被小心地贮存。The bilges had been pumped and the ship was ready to set sail once again.底舱污水已经抽干了,轮船已做好再次启航的准备。He pumped air into the bicycle tire.他给自行车轮胎打气。We pumped the full story out of her.我们从她那里追问出全部经过情形。Adrenaline is pumped out and blood sugars are released into the blood stream, all of which help hype up the body for action.肾上腺素的释放和血糖进入血流,都会帮助身体兴奋起来为行动做准备。Steam locomotives pumped out clouds of white smoke.蒸汽机车喷出一团团白烟。Viktor sat with Vassily and me and pumped me for information about hockey teams.维克托坐在瓦西里和我身边,一个劲地问我曲棍球队的事。The balloon enlarged as we pumped air into it.随着我们往里充气,气球渐渐变大。The doctor pumped the poison out of the child's stomach.医生灌洗掉那个孩子胃中的毒物。Have you pumped up the balloons yet?你给气球充气了吗?Air can be pumped into the diving suit to increase buoyancy.可以给潜水衣充气以增大浮力。She was pumped full of antibiotics/caffeine.她服用了大量抗生素/咖啡因。In some parts of the country raw sewage is pumped straight in the ocean.该国有些地方的污水未经处理就直接排入大海。Everyone was so pumped before the game.比赛之前每个人都很兴奋。She pumped the pedals of the bicycle.她上上下下蹬着自行车的脚踏板。She was released from hospital yesterday after having her stomach pumped.她昨天洗胃后就出院了。All of the praise pumped up her ego.所有这些夸奖让她自我膨胀。His heart pumped hard.他的心跳得很厉害。Your back tire was a little flat so I pumped it up.你的后胎有点瘪,所以我给它打了气。The coach's job is to get everyone pumped up for the game.教练的职责就是要让大家都热情高涨地投入比赛。They pumped him for everything he knew.他们向他追问他所知道的一切。Nothing gets the crowd or the players pumped up more than a good slam dunk.最能振奋观众和球员的莫过于一个漂亮的扣篮。We pumped the boat dry.我们用泵抽干了船里的水。Sewage is pumped out to sea.污水被排放到海中。They pumped the balloon full of helium.他们往气球里打足了氦气。He had been pumped full of sedatives.他已经被注射了大量的镇静剂。He pumped my hands.他握著我的双手使劲地摇著。I'm pumped for tonight's concert.今晚的音乐会让我兴奋不已。After the coach's pep talk, we were all really pumped and ready to play.教练作了鼓舞士气的讲话之后,我们大家都劲头十足,准备开始比赛。Oil pumped from the fissure.石油从裂缝中喷涌而出。She was completely pumped when she reached the hill-top.她到达山顶时已精疲力竭了。She was terrified of germs and had herself pumped full of every kind of injection.她很害怕病菌,去打了各种各样的预防针。He pumped his arms up and down as he ran.他跑步的时候手臂不断上下摆动。He had his stomach pumped after taking an overdose.他因为服药过量洗了胃。He pumped the mattress up.他把床垫充起气了。




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