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词汇 pump
例句 I'll be ready to go for a bike ride after I pump up my tires.我给轮胎充气后,就可以骑车去兜风了。Age diminishes the heart's ability to pump harder and faster under exertion.随着年龄的增加,人在消耗体力时心脏的输血能力和输血速度会有所减弱。How do you pump the water up here?你们如何将水抽到这里?The US was able to pump up exports.美国能够增加出口量。There is a manual pump to get rid of the water.有一个可用来排水的手泵。The pump is driven by an electric motor.这个气泵是由电机驱动的。The coach made a speech to try and pump up his players.教练训话试图激励自己的队员。He sluiced his head and neck by working a pump handle.他按压水泵柄引水冲洗脑袋和脖子。I tried to pump him for information about their other contacts.我试图从他嘴里套出有关其他联系人的情况。At a guess, I'd say there's a problem with the fuel pump.我估计燃料泵出了问题。Fish tanks often have a pump which oxygenates the water.鱼缸常有气泵往水里充氧。The children puddled around busily at the pump.孩子们在抽水机旁忙着踩水花。She suggested an analogy between the human heart and a pump.她打了个比喻,把人的心脏比作一个泵。The pump is powered by an electric motor.水泵由电动机提供动力。They have cut prices in an attempt to pump up sales.他们试图通过降价而大幅度促进销售。A pump is used to pressurize the fuel.用泵给燃料加压。This will pump up sales.这会极大地促进销量。We have to pump more service out of less oil.我们得用更少的油派更多的用处。You'll need a bicycle pump to keep the tyres topped up with air.需要一个打气筒来给自行车轮胎里充足气。The money raised will be used to dig bore holes to pump water into the dried-up lake.所筹资金将用于钻孔打水以抽水到干涸的湖中。You can hear the pump in the refrigerator when it's working.冰箱运转的时候可以听到电泵的声音。He wants to pump Jody for the details of some job her company is advertising.他想从乔迪那里套出她公司登广告招聘的职位的具体情况。A pump was used to create a vacuum inside the bottle.用泵把瓶内抽成了一个真空。The computer automatically shuts off the pump when no water is flowing.如果没有水在流动,电脑会自动关掉水泵。The company is trying hard to pump up sales.公司正全力提高销售额。We had to pump the basement out.我们得把地下室的水抽出去。They splash themselves with water from the pump.他们把水泵里抽出的水泼在身上。The heart is analogous to a pump.心脏和水泵有相似之处。Somebody else lent me a pump and helped me mend the puncture.别人借给我一个打气筒,又帮我补好了轮胎。The teacher drew an analogy between the human heart and a pump.老师把人类的心脏和泵作类比。He ran in every five minutes to pump me about the case.他每隔五分钟就跑来追问我这件事。A tire expands when you pump air into it.轮胎打了气就会胀大。This tire is flat; you didn't pump enough air in.这个轮胎没气了;你并没打足气。Drivers can wave a key-chain fob at the pump to buy gasoline.司机们朝着加油泵晃晃钥匙扣卡就可以加油。This is an electroneutral pump.这是一个电中性泵。John went to the cast-iron pump and started pumping water to drink.约翰走到铸铁泵前,开始抽水喝。His real reason for coming was to pick Michael's brains and pump him for information.他前来的真正原因是窃取迈克尔脑力劳动的成果,并从他那儿刺探情报。It is all hands to the pump and we are getting help from forces throughout the country.这是众志成城的时刻,全国各种团体的人都向我们伸出援手。Prices are higher at the pump. 加油站的油价涨了。I had the fuel pump replaced on my car.我更换了车上的燃料泵。




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