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词汇 pull the plug on
例句 The city council has pulled the plug on the new housing development.市议会已经终止了这个新的住宅开发项目。The banks have the power to pull the plug on the project.银行有权终止该项目。The Swiss entrepreneur has pulled the plug on any further investment in the firm.那位瑞士企业家不再在这家公司投资。The Arts Council had pulled the plug on the scheme.艺术委员会已经终止了这个方案。The banks have the power to pull the plug on the project.银行能让该工程下马。Over 1000 workers lost their jobs when the company pulled the plug on plans to open ten new stores.公司终止了开办十家新商店的计划,一千多名工作者丢失了饭碗。Police pulled the plug on the event, fearing that violence would break out.警方终止了该活动,唯恐发生暴力冲突。When they killed Dad, they pulled the plug on everything that held the family together.他们杀死了爸,从而把维系家庭的一切纽带全毁了。They may pull the plug on the tutoring program.他们可能不再资助这门辅导课程。




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