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词汇 puddled
例句 The cattle puddled the soft ground with their hooves.牛群扬蹄,把松软的地面踩得坑坑洼洼。The clay had been well puddled.这种黏土被制成了很好的胶泥。He puddled about at first one thing and another, never getting anything done.他东忙忙,西抓抓,什么事也没做成。The children puddled around busily at the pump.孩子们在抽水机旁忙着踩水花。The children puddled about in the garden after the rain.雨后,孩子们在花园里的水坑中嬉戏。There they sat, organized and efficient, while we puddled around our mismatched collection of mostly improvised camping gear.他们井然有序、动作高效地坐在那儿,而我们则还在瞎摆弄那堆不成套的、多数是临时拼凑起来的露营工具。The meltwater puddled the flat sea ice.融化的冰水在平坦冰冻的海面上形成许许多多的水坑。




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