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词汇 public transport
例句 As there's no public transport, I suppose we'll have to use shanks's pony.由于没有公共交通,看起来我们只能用自己的“两脚马”了。France and Germany invest far more per capita in public transport than Britain.法国和德国在公共交通上的人均投入远高于英国。We want to give people incentives to use public transport.我们想鼓励民众使用公共交通工具。Economic growth is hindered by the inadequacies of the public transport system.经济发展受制于公共交通运输系统的不完善。Greater investment in public transport would keep more cars off the roads.加大对公共交通事业的投资将会减少公路上小汽车的数量。I try to use public transport whenever possible.我尽可能使用公共交通工具。We're well-off for public transport here.我们这里公共交通发达。The elderly travel free on public transport.老年人可以免费乘坐公交车。They tried to reassure the public about the safety of public transport.他们试图向公众保证公共交通的安全性。They're always telling people to use public transport because there are too many cars on the roads.他们一直倡导民众使用公共交通,因为马路上汽车太多了。I mean small cars are the answer surely. Or there again a good system of public transport might do the same thing.我是说小汽车肯定是解决之道,不过良好的公交系统或许也能解决问题。Fuel tax will be ring-fenced for improving the public transport system.燃油税要专门用于改进公交系统。An efficient public transport system makes sense both environmentally and economically.高效的公共交通系统无论是在环境保护方面还是在经济方面都是有意义的。The Government is committed to promoting the development and use of public transport.政府致力于倡导公共交通的发展和使用。She relies on public transport.她出行靠公共交通。The city must improve its public transport.该城必须改善其公共交通系统。Getting there by public transport is just too impractical.搭乘公交车到那儿去,太不切实际了。We want to stress the environmental benefits of a cheap, efficient public transport system.我们想要强调一下便宜高效的公共交通系统给环境带来的好处。The new museum must be accessible by public transport.新博物馆必须能乘坐公共交通工具到达。There is no point advocating improved public transport unless we can pay for it.提倡改善公共交通毫无意义,除非我们能支付得起改善的费用。Strike action has paralysed the region's public transport system.罢工行动使该地区的公共交通系统陷入瘫痪状态。There will have to be a sea change in people's attitudes if public transport is ever to replace the private car.要想使公共交通有一天取代私家车,人们的观念必须彻底改变。We're quite well off for public transport in this part of the country.在国内的这一地区,公共交通服务足以满足大家的需要。Planners hope to encourage the move towards increased use of public transport.规划者希望鼓励越来越多的人使用公共交通工具。Owing to the rising cost of fuel, more people are using public transport.由于燃料涨价,越来越多的人开始使用公共交通。I entirely agree with the comments you made about public transport.我完全赞同你所作的有关公共交通的评论。The government has said it will no longer subsidize public transport.政府已声明将不再对公共交通实行补贴。Of course we all have concerns about the environment but you can't do without a car out here in the countryside with no public transport.当然,我们都关心环境,但是在这个没有公共交通的郊野地区,没有汽车根本不行。Hong Kong's metro really puts our public transport system in the shade.香港地铁真的让我们的公交系统相形见绌。We had to use public transport to get around.我们只得使用公共交通工具出行。The public transport system was absolutely hopeless.公共交通系统实在太糟了。I find it annoying when people eat smelly foods on public transport.有人在公共交通工具上吃味道难闻的东西时,我觉得很讨厌。They were given the task of reconstructing the city's public transport system.重建该市公交系统的任务交给了他们。Be vigilant on public transport and at tourist sites, as pickpockets operate in these areas.在公共交通工具上及在旅游景点要警惕,因为这些地方有扒手作案。The government continued to grapple with the issue of public transport.政府继续努力解决公共交通问题。The pyramids can be reached by public transport.可以乘公共交通工具到达金字塔。I think you should look at public transport in the round.我认为你应该全面地看待公共交通问题。




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