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词汇 bared
例句 He bared his soul to me. 他向我袒露了心扉。He bared his muscular, hairy chest for a women's magazine.他为一本女性杂志秀出了他那肌肉发达、毛发浓密的性感胸部。Few men would have bared their soul to a woman as he had.像他那样对一个女人敞开心扉的男人寥寥无几。She bared her teeth in a semblance of a smile.她露出牙齿,显出一副笑容。He bared his chest to show the scar.他赤裸着胸部露出伤疤。He bared his back to the hot sun.他露出脊背在炎热的太阳下暴晒。The wolf growled and bared its sharp fangs.那匹狼嚎叫着,露出锋利的牙齿。The dog growled and bared its teeth.那只狗龇牙咆哮。He bared his chest for a women's magazine.他裸着胸上了一家女性杂志。The velvet glove was off and the mailed fist was bared.撕下了温柔谦让的假面具,露出了暴力的狰狞真面目。The dog bared its teeth at us and growled.那条狗冲我们龇牙吼叫。Their backs were bared.他们的背裸露著。He bared his soul to her.他向她剖白了自己的心迹。Walsh bared his teeth in a grin.沃尔什露齿一笑。He bared all in the interview.他在访谈中透露了事情的全部。He bared the problem at a news conference.他在记者招待会上把问题挑明了。She bared her fears to him.她向他袒露了自己的恐惧。The dog growled and bared its fangs.那条狗露出犬齿低声吠叫。The tiger will be waiting with fangs bared.老虎会龇着尖牙一直等待。




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