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词汇 acknowledgement
例句 I wrote to them but never got any acknowledgement.我给他们写过信,但从未接到过确认收悉的回信。She received a special award in acknowledgement of all her hard work.她获得一个特别奖,表彰她辛劳工作。We want an acknowledgement of the existence of the problem.我们希望问题的存在能够得到承认。His only acknowledgement of her presence was a curt nod.他只是微微点头,对她的出席表示感谢。The statement was a belated acknowledgement that the project had not been a success.这是一个迟来的声明,承认这个项目没有成功。He gave her a faint smile of acknowledgement.他向她微微一笑打招呼。He's still waiting for a letter of acknowledgement of the last cheque he sent them.他还在等待他所寄的上一张支票的确认函。Basil nodded an acknowledgement as he entered the room.巴兹尔走进房间时点头打招呼。I bowed my head in acknowledgement of guilt.我低下头来承认过失。The reduction in their grant is an acknowledgement that they have been paid too much.减少对他们的拨款就是承认他们拿得太多了。He gave Sabrina a quick nod of acknowledgement.他朝萨布里娜快速点点头,示意看到了她。We are sending you a small sum of money in acknowledgement of your help.为感谢你的帮助我们寄上一小笔钱。She is still waiting for some acknowledgement from her fellow academics.她仍在等待着学术界同仁的认可。There were grunts of acknowledgement as the food arrived.食物送来的时候,响起了一片咕咕哝哝的答谢声。Farling smiled in acknowledgement and gave a bow.法林微笑示意,又躬身行了个礼。Their replies were no more than grunts of acknowledgement.他们所谓的回答不过是表示承认的咕哝罢了。We have had no acknowledgement of our letter.我们没有收到过确认去信已收到的回音。He appreciated her acknowledgement of his maturity.她承认他的成熟,他对此心怀感激。He raised his hand to her in acknowledgement.他向她举手以示感谢。I received an acknowledgement from Toshiba yesterday telling me that they were considering my application for the job.我昨天收到东芝公司的收函通知,信上说他们在考虑我的求职申请。She has received no official acknowledgement of her contribution to the fund.她给这笔基金捐款,却没有得到过正式的致谢。Mitzi nodded a perfunctory acknowledgement as her glass was filled.杯子被倒满时米芝敷衍性地点头示意。This amounted to an acknowledgement that she had been wrong.这等于是承认她错了。She merely nodded acknowledgement of his statement.她只是点点头对他的话表示认可。Luke inclined his head slightly in acknowledgement.卢克微微点头表示认可。




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