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词汇 proved
例句 Our suspicions were quickly proved accurate.我们的猜测很快就被证明是准确的。These facts have not yet been proved.这些事实还未获证明。The new dispensation proved a success, certainly with the business community.新体制证明是成功的,当然是就商界而言。He proved himself very good in the kitchen.他好好露了一手厨艺。A person who is charged with a crime is considered innocent until proved/proven guilty.被指控的人在证明其罪行成立前均做无罪推定。His analysis of urban use of agricultural land has been proved essentially correct.他有关城市占用农业用地的分析已被证明大体上是正确的。It looks as if the pessimists are being proved right.现在看来似乎悲观论者是正确的。The British Ambassador proved to be a mine of information on the subject of the Royal Family.这位英国大使在有关英国王室的课题上已证明是个知识渊博的人。His attempts to peddle his paintings around London's tiny gallery scene proved unsuccessful.他到伦敦小画廊兜售自己的画作,结果碰了一鼻子灰。The facts proved her assumption wrong.事实证明她的设想是错的。The accused person should always be presumed innocent until proved guilty.被告人只要没被证明有罪就应该推定其无罪。Eglinton proved to be a prepossessing young man.埃格林顿被证明是个有魅力的小伙子。Various drugs have proved ineffective against the virus.事实证明各种药品都对这种病毒不起作用。His poetry has proved durable.他的诗已经证明是经得起时间考验的。The scare technique proved to be inefficient.这种恐吓手法证明是没有效果的。The police ruled them out as suspects when it was proved that they were out of town when the crime was committed.事实证明案发时他们不在镇上,因此警方排除了他们是嫌犯的可能。His forecasts about the economy proved correct.他有关经济的预测证明是正确的。Laughton is a class act who's proved his worth in the game.劳顿是一名出色的选手,他在这场比赛中证明了自己的价值。The design proved to be a success.那个设计后来证明很成功。Through their tireless work, they proved his innocence.通过不懈的努力,他们证明了他是无辜的。My dad's advice to go to Japan had proved gilt-edged.事实证明父亲劝我去日本的建议极其英明。He has proved himself untrustworthy.他的表现说明他不能信赖。The pregnancy test proved negative.孕检结果呈阴性。His inability to stay at one job for long had finally proved too much for her.他没有哪份工作能干长,这一点最终让她难以忍受。Marseilles has proved to be a better racial melting pot than Lyons.事实证明,与里昂相比,马赛是一个更好的种族大熔炉。They could not produce evidence that proved he was at the scene of the crime.他们无法提供证明他当时在犯罪现场的证据。The event has not proved popular in past years.在过去的几年里这项活动已证明不受欢迎。The room beyond proved to be a mirror image of the first room.结果证明,那边的房间和第一间房一模一样。This theory cannot be proved scientifically.不能用科学的方法证明这个理论。American justice works on the premise that an accused person is innocent until they are proved guilty.美国司法的前提是被告在被证明有罪之前是无罪的。His only experience of gardening so far proved immensely satisfying.到目前为止他唯一的一次园艺经历非常令人满意。If the government is proved negligent, compensation will be payable.如果证明是政府的疏忽,就应支付赔偿。Sceptics will argue that no such plan has ever proved successful.怀疑论者会辩称此类方案没有成功的先例。Their military capability has been reduced because their air force has proved not to be effective.他们的军事实力因为空军的无能而被削弱。The pilot programme of vaccination proved successful.疫苗的试点方案获得了成功。The pilot scheme proved to be a great success.这个试点项目结果非常成功。The long drive proved to be pretty painless.开车跑长途原来相当轻松。The issues have proved to be less tractable than expected.这些问题结果比预想的要难以处理。The gossip about her later proved to be entirely false.后来证明有关她的传言都是假的。The Russian president has once again proved more than a match for his political adversaries.这位俄罗斯总统再一次证明了他比自己的政治对手要强得多。




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