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词汇 protective
例句 Many animals can blend with their surroundings, owing to their protective colouring.由于具有保护色,许多动物能和环境融成一体。She felt suddenly very protective towards / toward her mother.她对母亲突然萌发出强烈的保护欲。Animals' protective coloring enables them to blend with their surroundings.动物的保护色使它们能和环境融成一体而不被发现。A rip in a repair worker's protective suit increases the risk of getting a shock as they work on the electricity lines.修理工防护服上的裂缝使他们在修理电线时受到电击的风险增加了。The witness is in protective custody. 那位证人正受到警方的保护性监禁。Danny put a protective arm around her shoulders.丹尼用胳膊搂住她的肩膀护着她。They put a protective skirt around the base of the machine.他们在机器的底部周围装上了护板。All exposed skin should be covered with protective cream.所有露在外面的皮肤都应该涂上防护霜。Lionesses are fiercely protective of their young.雌狮细心呵护自己的幼崽。The police are keeping her in protective custody. 警方对她施行保护性拘留。The opposition leader has been taken into protective custody.那名反对派领导人受到了保护性拘留。It's essential that you wear protective clothing in this area.在这地区你必须穿上防护服。A thin layer of plastic forms a protective coating over the surface.一层薄薄的塑料在表面形成一层保护膜。The new chairs were covered in protective plastic wrappings.那些新椅子用防护性塑料包装材料裹着。It pays to invest in protective clothing.在防护服上投资是值得的。Burke was not wearing protective gear when the accident happened.事故发生时,伯克没戴保护装备。Oils produced by the skin form a protective barrier against infection and disease.皮肤分泌的油脂构成了一道预防感染与疾病的屏障。All the workers were issued with protective clothing.所有工人都配发了防护服。A threaded neck ring is attached to the tapered end so that a protective cylinder cap can be installed.锥状顶端装有带螺纹的颈环,可以安装保护性的钢瓶帽。My dad is very protective of me and has never liked any of my boyfriends.爸爸对我爱护备至,从来都不喜欢我的男朋友。British industry was sheltered from foreign competition by protective tariffs.英国工业凭借保护性关税免受国际竞争影响。The movie star was surrounded by a protective cocoon of bodyguards.保镖们在那个影星周围,形成一个保护层。They might be doing me a good turn if they took me into protective custody.如果他们对我实行保护性拘留,可能对我是件好事。The protective benefits of breast milk are numerous for both mother and baby.母乳喂养对母亲和婴儿都能起到很大的保护作用。Workers at the factory wear protective clothing.工厂里的工人穿着防护服。I have a protective cover for my computer.我的电脑有一层保护膜。She felt very protective towards her sister.她对妹妹关爱有加。He put a protective cover over the car.他给车套了个防护罩。In some diseases, the protective layer in a joint wears away.患某些疾病时,关节处的保护层会受到磨损。This prehistoric animal grew a thick protective covering.这种史前动物长着一层厚厚的保护性外皮。The furniture had been covered in a protective cloth.家具上盖了一块防护布。The land loses its protective cover of vegetation and soon turns into desert.土地失去植被保护就会很快变成沙漠。Remove the disk from its protective packaging.将磁盘从保护套中取出。The arrogance became his protective carapace.这种傲慢态度成了他的保护壳。One of these gunmen pierced the protective cordon around the President's house.其中一个持枪人突破了总统住房周围的警戒线。There's a protective layer of plastic.有一层塑料保护层。She is fiercely protective of her privacy.她强烈捍卫自己的隐私。Maria is by turns protective and vulnerable.玛丽亚有时很会保护自己,有时则很脆弱。The rulebook said that he should be provided with protective clothing.规则手册上说,单位应为他提供防护服。People who work with furnaces in a steel factory need to wear protective clothing.钢厂里在熔炉边工作的人都需要穿防护服。




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