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词汇 protected
例句 The oil pipeline bypasses the protected wilderness area.石油管道绕过了受保护的野生地区。Both cardholders and credit card companies are protected, while the retailer foots the cost.持卡人和信用卡公司都受到保护,支付费用的是零售商。The plants must be protected against frost until late spring.必须保护好植物免受霜冻,直到晚春。He protected less profitable state farms by writing off their debts.他保护不怎么赢利的州立农场,取消他们的债务。The building is protected by armed guards.大楼由武装警卫把守。They are protected by the law, irrespective of race. 他们不论种族,都受到法律的保护。An ironsides is protected with iron plates.铁甲舰是用铁甲板护卫的。In the past, the region had been protected by its forbidding geography and the extremities of its climate.过去,这个地区令人生畏的地理条件和极端的天气状况使它受到保护。Thrushes are a protected species so you will not find them on any menu.鸫鸟是受保护的物种,在菜谱上是找不到的。Many wild flowers are protected by law.很多野花受法律保护。The squadron was protected by a highly mobile anti-tank and air defense.这个中队由高度机动的反坦克和防空部队保卫。She felt secure and protected when she was with him.和他在一起时,她有一种受到保护的安全感。Outside the protected environment of institutional care he could not survive.离开了公共机构提供的受保护环境,他无法生存。These electric wires are protected by a rubber covering.这些电线用橡胶作防护层。The birds are additionally protected in the reserves at Birsay.鸟类在伯赛的保护区尤其受到保护。The secret was protected out of a fear of political disgrace.出于对政治上名誉扫地的担忧,那个秘密得到了保护。The nerves are protected by thin sheaths of fatty tissue.神经由薄薄的脂肪鞘保护着。The dictionary is protected by a jacket of clear plastic.词典带有一个透明塑胶的护封。His body was protected by armour fore and aft.他的身体前前后后都有盔甲保护。The product is protected by patent.这一产品受到专利保护。She keeps her jewelry protected in a safe.她把珠宝保存在保险箱里。The circuitry in this fighter aircraft has been protected against strong magnetic fields.这架战斗机的电路系统有防护装置,不会受强磁场的干扰。The drugs are protected by patent.这些药品受专利保护。Certain animals are protected under/by state legislation.某些动物受到州法的保护。The nose of the space capsule is protected by a heat shield.太空舱的前端突出部有隔热涂层保护。The fruit on the lower branches was protected from the sun.下边树枝上的果子见不到阳光。The angry mob would have torn him limb from limb if the police hadn't protected him.要不是警方保护,他或许早已被愤怒的暴民撕成碎片了。People need to be protected against such unwarranted intrusions into their private lives by journalists.人们的私生活需要受到保护,免受新闻记者的无理侵犯。You are protected against most illnesses, with one or two exclusions.你对大多数疾病都有免疫力,只有一两种病例外。The forest is protected by/under federal law.这片森林受联邦法律保护。The club occupies the land under a protected tenancy.这个俱乐部以受保护的租赁方式占用这块地。This land is protected as a wildlife preserve.这片土地作为野生动物保护区而得到保护。Children in these famine-stricken areas simply cannot be protected from the horror all around them.根本无法保护这些饥荒地区的孩子不受恐怖的环境伤害。She protected her head with a wide-brimmed straw-hat.她戴了一顶宽边草帽保护头部。He always made sure that any cuts were protected by sterile dressings.他总是坚持要用无菌纱布包扎伤口。Put some of the hardier plants outdoors in a protected spot.将一些更耐寒的植物放到户外的一处有遮蔽的地方。Genetically engineered plants can be protected by patent.转基因植物可以享有专利权保护。The presumption of innocence is constitutionally protected.无罪推定是受宪法保护的。Both wage-earners and salaried officials were protected by the new regulations.赚工资的工人和高级职员都受新法规的保护。The policy is based on the idea that some industries need to be protected from market forces.该项政策所依据的原则是某些产业在市场压力下应当受到保护。




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