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词汇 project
例句 The whole project went belly up.整个项目完蛋了。The project is almost finished, but we still have a few final details to tie up. = We still have to tie up some loose ends.这个工程基本完工了,但我们最后还有一些细节要处理。This project is designed to help landless people.这一项目旨在帮助那些没有土地的人。The project has been delayed by innumerable problems.由于问题太多,计划已被推迟。The project is a joint enterprise with the Business School.这是与商学院合资的项目。This project represents a big departure for me.这个项目代表着我一个巨大的转变。The project makes sound economic sense.这项工程可以产生良好的经济效益。The boss asked us to keep him advised about/on how the project is going.老板要求我们随时向他汇报项目进展情况。If past experience is any guide, we're in for a long and difficult project.假如过去经历有任何指导意义的话,我们注定要从事一项长期而艰难的工程。She was pulled off the project.她被从项目上撤了下来。We're looking for investors with pockets that are deep enough to pay for the project. 我们在寻找财力雄厚的投资者承担这个项目。He saw the project through to the end.他坚持到这项工程完工。In our third year at college everyone had to do a special project.大学三年级时,每个人必须做一项专题研究。The project still has a few rough edges. 这个工程还有几处瑕疵需要改进。The department has the calibre of staff to make the project work.该部门具备执行这个项目的人才。The project is facing a time crunch.这个项目时间紧迫。She reported on the project to her manager.她就此项目向经理做了汇报。The project caused considerable disturbance to local residents.这个工程项目给当地居民造成相当大的干扰。Budget problems have stalled the project.预算问题使这个项目搁浅。The board of ministers unanimously approved the project last week.上周长执会一致批准了这个项目。The project uses funds that had been earmarked for education.这个项目使用教育专项资金。She earned bragging rights for completing the project on time.因为按时完成了项目,她有理由夸耀一下自己。I'm doing a project on education in France.我正在做一项法国教育问题的研究。The project ended in abject failure.项目以彻底失败告终。The authorities have invited international tenders for the project.当局已为该工程进行了国际招标。Slippage on any job will entail slippage on the overall project.任何一项工作延误都会导致整个项目延误。Federal authorities gave Alascom verbal approval to begin the project.联邦当局口头批准阿拉斯加通信公司开始这个项目。Nothing can call away his attention from the project he is now working at.没有什么能使他从研究项目上分心。We finally got down to brass tacks and decided to work out a schedule for the project.我们最终谈到了实质性问题,决定制订项目进度表。They spent uncounted hours on the project.他们在这个项目上投入了数不清的时间。From day one some people had been sceptical about the project's chances of success.有些人从一开始就怀疑这个项目是否具备成功的前景。It's disgusting that the taxpayer is subsidizing this project.由纳税人来补贴这个项目,这实在是说不过去。Such an expensive project will be a hard sell during these slow economic times.在目前经济不景气时期,耗资如此巨大的工程将很难被接受。It looked like the project was going to be approved, but the bean counters said it wasn't cost-effective.眼看这个项目就要获批准了,但会计师们认为它不划算。He was trying to whip up some enthusiasm for the project.他正在试图煽动人们对这个项目的狂热。He has been pouring all his time/resources into the project.他把自己所有的时间/资源都投在了这个项目上。Work stopped half-way through the project when the funding ran out.工程进行到一半时由于资金用完而停止了施工。He'll push on with his project whatever the difficulties may be.不管有什么困难,他都要继续推行他的计划。Due to rising costs and delays in the delivery of equipment, losses are already foreseeable on the new tunnel project.由于成本上升、设备运送延误,人们已经预见到新隧道工程必将出现亏损。Danny's definitely the brains of the project.丹尼肯定是这个项目的幕后策划者。




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