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例句 We want to stress just how far the committee has progressed.我们只想强调委员会的进展情况。How far will members have progressed towards harmonising their economies?各成员国在使彼此经济协调一致的进程上会有多大进展?As the meeting progressed Jack became more and more bored.随着会议的继续,杰克越来越不耐烦了。The Athenians progressed furthest towards developing a truly democratic society.雅典人在建设真正的民主社会方面进步最大。Our work has progressed somewhat.我们的工作已取得一些进展。Murray has been working hard at his game and has progressed by leaps and bounds.默里在自己的行当里一直都很努力,并且也取得了相当大的进展。As the war progressed, it became increasingly difficult to buy fresh food.随着战争持续,新鲜食品越来越难买到了。I progressed from a social drinker into a problem drinker.我从一个应酬时才喝酒的人发展成了一个酒鬼。My impressions changed radically as the trip progressed.随着旅行的继续,我的印象发生了翻天覆地的变化。Bob was a very good football coach, and the team progressed very well.鲍勃是个很好的足球教练,该队进步很快。He progressed slowly along the coast in an easterly direction.他沿着海岸慢慢向东前行。As time progressed, the king inflicted harsher and harsher measures on the people.随着时间的推移,国王采取了越来越严厉的措施来对付人民。The screams of the fans grew more frenzied as the concert progressed.随着演唱会的进行,歌迷的尖叫声越来越疯狂。He started with sketching and then progressed to painting.他先是画素描,然后发展到画油画。Were you surprised that his disease progressed so quickly?.他的病情发展得这么快,您是否感到意外?Life was hard, and it became harder as the war progressed.那时候生活很艰难,并且随着战争的持续愈发艰难了。As her career progressed she made three other short films.随着事业的发展,她又出品了三部电影短片。So far the building work has progressed according to plan.到目前为止,建筑工程一直按计划进行。The work progressed at a slow pace.这项工作进展缓慢。As the evening progressed, sadness turned to rage.随着夜幕逐渐降临,悲伤化为了愤怒。The projects have progressed past the drawing board.那些工程已过了计划阶段。The storm progressed across the island.暴风雨横扫该岛。As the meeting progressed, Nina grew more and more bored.随着会议继续进行,尼娜越来越烦。The Administration's thinking changed as the war progressed.随着战争的进展,政府的态度改变了。The patient became increasingly disoriented as the illness progressed.随着病情的不断加重,患者越来越无所适从。George Fodor points to other weaknesses in the way the campaign has progressed.乔治·福多尔以运动开展过程中的其他不足为证。The debate progressed, becoming more animated.辩论继续进行,场面变得更活跃了。The caravan progressed slowly across the desert.车队缓慢地穿过沙漠。It became colder as the day progressed. 日子一天天流逝,天气一天天地变冷了。The going was becoming easier as the talks progressed.随着会谈的进行,进展也顺畅起来了。The disease progressed in fits and starts for at least two decades.这种疾病断断续续地持续了至少二十年。Our meeting has progressed well, covering a lot of ground.我们的会开得不错,讨论了许多方面的问题。That is a measure of how far we have progressed.这说明了我们的进度情况。She soon progressed from the basics to more difficult work.她很快从做基本的工作提升到做更难的工作。As his illness progressed, Neil began to have difficulty speaking.随着病情的发展,尼尔开始出现言语困难。As the illness progressed, his delusions took over and he had violent outbursts.随着病情恶化,他脑子里充斥着各种妄想,并伴有暴力行为。As the war progressed, more and more countries became involved.随着战争的推进,越来越多的国家卷入其中。The children progressed in the acquisition of basic skills.孩子们在掌握基本技能方面取得了进步。They progressed along dark stone corridors.他们沿着黑暗的石头长廊缓慢前行。The situation improved as the century progressed.随着世纪脚步的迈进,局面有所改善。




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