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词汇 programmed
例句 Human beings are genetically programmed to learn certain kinds of language.人类的基因排列方式使其能够学会某些语言。While he was instinctively graceful and natural, his friend was graceless and programmed.他天生高雅而洒脱,而他的朋友却俗气而刻板。The heating system has been programmed to maintain a constant temperature.加热系统被设定为保持恒温。It is theoretically possible for computers to be programmed to think like humans.对计算机进行编程,使它像人一样思考,这在理论上是可能的。They've got me programmed like a top. I never stop spinning.他们把我弄得像陀螺,转个不停。He programmed the computer to calculate his monthly expenses and earnings.他设计了一个电脑程序计算自己的月收入和支出。The computer can be programmed to tackle a whole variety of tasks.计算机可通过程序编制处理各种各样的任务。I've programmed the video to come on at ten.我已经把这台录像机设置在十点钟开机。We are all genetically programmed to develop certain illnesses.基因决定了我们都会患上某些疾病。The computer is programmed to create monthly sales reports.这台电脑被编入了生成月销售报告的程序。The answers they gave were programmed.他们所作的回答是事先布置好了的。Some people are programmed to be violent. 有些人具有暴力倾向。He programmed his computer to compare all the possible combinations.他给他的计算机编制了一套程序,以比较所有可能的组合。We had programmed the video to record the final episode.我们已经设定录像机录制最后一集。The evidence suggests that our sense of touch is programmed to diminish with age.有证据表明,我们的触觉会随着年龄的增长而减损。The building work has been programmed to start next week.建筑工作计划下周开始。Any large high-speed computer can be programmed to learn.任何大型高速计算机都可以通过编程获得学习能力。The cells have been programmed to synthesize haemoglobin.这些细胞已接受编码指令序列以合成血红蛋白。All birds of this species are programmed to build their nests in the same way.这种鸟生来都会以同一种方式筑巢。The children were programmed to make the right responses.孩子们被弄得反应像机器一样。




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