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词汇 profitable
例句 The movie was very profitable.这部影片很赚钱。He protected less profitable state farms by writing off their debts.他保护不怎么赢利的州立农场,取消他们的债务。Diamond mining is a highly profitable industry. There are, however, certain risks involved.钻石开采是个高利润的产业,但其中也有某些风险。The company claims it has turned the corner and will be profitable soon.公司声称已渡过难关,很快将会赢利。He said that dividing up the company would make the units more profitable.他说,把公司拆分开来可以让各部门更加赢利。Despite its inauspicious beginnings, the company eventually became very profitable.尽管这家公司开初并不顺利,但最终还是很赚钱。Drug manufacturing is the most profitable business in America.制药业是美国利润最丰厚的业务。The company's method of tracking expenses is just a device to make it seem more profitable.公司追踪开支的方法只是让它显得利润更为丰厚。It is profitable to farm shellfish.养殖贝类有利可图。He has bent himself to the task of making the company more efficient and profitable.他致力于提高公司的工作效率和产品效益。The business could become less profitable or, even worse, could close down.该公司可能会盈利减少,更糟的是,可能倒闭。We don't sell children's clothes any more - it wasn't profitable enough.我们不卖童装了一赢利不多。The film is proving very profitable.结果证明这部电影非常卖座。The meeting was profitable to both sides.会谈对双方都有所裨益。Over the next three years, we will be gradually dismantling the company and selling off the profitable units.在未来的三年内,我们将逐步解散公司并出售盈利部门。Many biotech companies are not yet profitable, as they continue to pour money into research and trials.许多生物科技公司一直把大量资金投入在研究和试验中,但还没赢利。Some churches have found it profitable to hold services during the week.有些教堂发现在非周末的日子举行礼拜大有益处。It's more profitable to import flour.进口面粉可以获得更多利润。What can be done to keep the business profitable?能采取什么措施使公司继续盈利呢?The plan is to hive off individual companies as soon as they are profitable.该计划就是一旦某个公司开始盈利,就把其分离出去。Cooperation could be mutually profitable.合作可能对双方都有益。The advertising campaign proved very profitable.事实证明,这次广告宣传活动很有效。Cocoa processing is far more profitable than cocoa growing.可可豆加工远比可可豆种植更赚钱。Insurance is one of Britain's most profitable invisible exports.保险业是英国获益最大的无形出口之一。The farm is a highly profitable business.该农场是一个赢利颇丰的企业。The trip should be an enjoyable and profitable experience.这次旅行应该是一次愉快而有益的体验。They're looking to the new manager to make the company profitable.他们指望新经理使公司盈利。The high volume of sales makes the low pricing policy profitable.巨大的销量使低定价策略也能获利。Gradually it was found more profitable to cultivate vines and olives rather than grain.渐渐地,人们发现种葡萄和橄榄树比种谷物利润更大。I decided to switch to a more profitable line of questioning.我决定转向更有助益的提问方式。The bottom line is that it's not profitable.最根本的问题是无利可图。She moved the company out of a troubled past and into a profitable present.她把公司从过去的混乱状态变成现在的盈利状态。Fishing was growing less and less profitable.捕渔业越来越无利可图了。Less profitable business operations will have difficulty in finding financial support.盈利较少的企业将很难得到财政资助。After five quarters in the red, the business will soon be profitable.公司亏损了五个季度,很快就要赢利了。The agreement was profitable for everyone.这项协议对大家都有好处。The bottom line is that it's not profitable.最重要的一点是它无利可图。I don't think it's very profitable to hark back.我认为回到原题上去没有多大好处。The company is divesting its less profitable business operations.该公司打算出售其盈利较差的业务。Over the years it has developed into a highly profitable business.经过这些年,它发展成了高盈利企业。




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