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词汇 Professor
例句 Professor Johnson has indicated his intention to retire at the end of next year.约翰逊教授表示打算明年年底退休。Isn't Professor Bell an old fossil?贝尔教授真是个老顽固。Someone wants to speak to Professor Welch, but I can't find him. Would you take the call for him please.有人打电话来要找韦尔奇教授,但我找不到他,你来替他接一下好吧。I went to see Professor Dandavate, a sober and respected academic.我去见了丹达维特教授,他是一位严肃、受人尊敬的学者。Professor Mackay will give a seminar on Pound's poetry.麦凯教授将开设关于庞德诗歌的研讨课。Barrow is a Professor of Astronomy, so he knows whereof he speaks.巴罗是天文学教授,因此他知道他在说什么。These questions were tailor-made for Professor Posner.这些问题请教波斯纳教授算是问对人了。Professor Hirsch is to be commended for bringing the state of our educational system to public notice.在赫希教授的努力下,我们教育体系的现状引起了公众关注,为此对他应该给予嘉许。We've invited Professor Shaw to come and give a talk and she's accepted.我们邀请肖教授来开个讲座,她接受了。Professor Day teaches anatomy.戴教授教解剖学。Professor Peabody has chaired the Department of English for the past ten years.过去的十年里皮博迪教授一直担任英语系主任。Mark is currently employed as a Professor of Linguistics.马克目前受聘担任语言学教授。Professor Oswald takes a sightly more lenient view.奥斯瓦尔德教授的观点更加温和一些。Professor Hisamatsu spoke neither English nor German.久松教授既不会讲英语,也不会讲德语。Professor Williams is one of the world's leading specialists in radiotherapy.威廉斯教授是世界上顶尖的放射治疗专家之一。The students were greatly amused by Professor Unwin's remark.昂温教授的话把学生们逗得很开心。Professor Orr has developed interesting ways of tagging chemical molecules using existing laboratory lasers.奥尔教授发明了用现有实验室激光设备给化学分子做记号的种种有趣的办法。Professor Smith is steeped in surface physics.史密斯教授埋头研究表面物理。In his speech Professor Leary praised the work of the volunteers.利里教授在演讲中赞扬了志愿者所做的工作。Professor Hutter's manner is extremely condescending.赫特教授的态度极为傲慢。His research could be seen as a natural continuation of the work done by Professor Lang.他的研究可以看作郎教授所做工作的自然延续。She referred to Professor Jones's work in her lecture on Shakespeare's imagery.她在莎士比亚的意象运用讲座中谈及了琼斯教授的研究。Could you go over the main points of your argument again, Professor?教授,您可否重述一下您的主要论点?It's inconceivable that university officials would fire someone as talented and loyal as Professor Schultz.大学管理层竟然把这么有才华和忠心耿耿的舒尔茨教授给开除了,简直让人难以置信。She sat at the little desk out front of Professor Hill's office.她坐在希尔教授办公室门外的小桌旁。The meeting will be chaired by Professor Andrew Jones.会议将由安德鲁·琼斯教授主持。I couldn't follow what Professor Hope was saying.我听不懂霍普教授所讲的内容。She has been awarded the title Professor.她已被授予教授职称。It was here that Holmes had his fateful encounter with Professor Moriarty.正是在这里福尔摩斯与莫里亚蒂教授致命邂逅。Professor Kern gave a talk on American drama.克恩教授作了一次有关美国戏剧的讲演。He has taken up an appointment as Professor of Chemistry.他接受任命当化学教授。He was Professor of English at Fudan University.他曾是复旦大学的英语教授。Professor Cantor set out to prove his theory.坎托教授开始着手证明他的理论。He succeeded his father as Professor of Botany.他和父亲一样,成为了植物学教授。What's her title - is she Professor or Doctor?她的头衔是什么——是教授或是博士?Professor Jenkins presided over the morning session.詹金斯教授主持了上午的会议。Professor Williams will be giving a series of lectures on environmental pollution.威廉斯教授将就环境污染的问题作一系列的讲座。The Government has set up a committee under the chairmanship of Professor Roy Goode.政府设立一个委员会,任命罗伊·古德教授为主席。When it comes to cancer research, Professor Williams is probably the best in her field.谈到癌症研究,威廉斯教授在这一领域里很可能是最出色的。Professor Adams was the originator of the project.亚当斯教授是该项目的发起人。




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