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词汇 Professional
例句 Professional etiquette dictates that judges should not express their opinions about a case in public.行规规定法官不应该公开发表自己对某一案件的看法。Professional athletes make regular appearances on TV.职业足球运动员经常在电视上亮相。She's the president of the Iowa chapter of the Professional Insurance Agents' Association.她是职业保险经纪人协会艾奥瓦州分会的主席。Professional people are sometimes bad judges of their colleagues’ conduct.专业人士有时对同事的行为操守不能作出准确的判断。Professional designers and architects steal ideas from each other all the time.专业设计师和建筑师总是相互抄袭设计思路。Professional film is stored at a low temperature to prevent it from deteriorating.专业胶卷以低温储存,以免变质。Professional basketball players can earn millions of dollars.职业篮球运动员能挣到数百万美元。Professional jealousy can cause huge problems in the office.事业上的妒忌心会在办公室里引起大问题。Professional sport skims off all the best players.职业体育运动把最优秀的选手都挑走了。Professional basketball players often have their quadriceps fractured during games.打职业篮球的球员,经常发生四头肌受伤的情形。Professional women's basketball is here to stay.职业女子篮球运动已得到普遍认可。Professional drug pushers moved in and organized the trade.职业毒品贩子强行插手,操纵了这种买卖。 Professional footballers spend at least an hour every day working out in the gym.职业足球运动员每天至少在健身房锻炼一个小时。The Professional Cricketers' Association held its annual dinner in London.职业板球运动员协会在伦敦举办了自己的年度宴会。Professional mountaineers usually prepare lots of accouterments before they make the climb.专业登山者在登山时一定要准备许多衣著或装备。Professional and local jealousies are preventing councils from exploiting the benefits of collaboration.行业和地方给予的保护将阻止地方议会攫取合作带来的利益。Professional businesswoman? Who is she kidding?女实业家?她想蒙谁呀?Professional basketball players can earn huge sums of money.职业篮球运动员能赚巨额的钱。Professional jealousy can cause problems at work.职业妒忌在工作中可能引起问题。




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