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词汇 profession
例句 Graduate status is the minimum requirement for entry to the teaching profession.研究生学历是从事教学工作的最低要求。They are finding themselves increasingly isolated within the teaching profession.他们发现自己在教师圈中变得越来越孤立了。The computer has changed the culture of the design profession.计算机改变了设计行业的文化。The trend of doctors going to work abroad is seen by the profession as a serious indictment of the NHS.医生纷纷去国外工作的趋向被医务界同行看作是对国民保健制度的一种严重不满。The leaflet was written in jargon that would have been totally incomprehensible to anyone outside the profession.传单里用的是行业术语,业外人士完全无法理解。He is at the top of his profession.他正处于事业的巅峰。The depth of covert racism in my own profession frightens me.在我从事的职业中深藏着的种族主义令我恐惧。Many teachers saw the statement as a vicious slander on their profession.许多教师把这一言论看作是对他们职业的恶意诋毁。He has served the medical profession admirably.他在医学界的工作令人钦佩。She is a nurse by profession.她的职业是护士。He is a dedicated teacher. = He is dedicated to the teaching profession.他是一位非常敬业的教师。Spanish identity documents state the bearer's profession.西班牙身份证明文件写明了持有人的职业。Research is the corner-stone of the profession.研究是这一职业的基础。He is highly respected in his profession.他在专业方面非常受人尊敬.She made a profession of religious faith.她表明了自己的宗教信仰。Disillusioned teachers were leaving the profession in large numbers.失望的教师在大批离开教育界。Podulski had joined the U.S. Navy as an aviator, adopting a new country and a new profession.波度尔斯基加入美国海军当上了飞行员,不仅改了国籍还换了行当。He is a mechanic by profession, and a painter, by choice.从职业上说,他是机械师,从爱好上说,他是画家。Certain character traits are helpful in the teaching profession.某些性格特点对教师职业是有帮助的。Her parents hoped to see her settled in a profession.她的父母希望她能专事一种职业。It's time to change your profession for something more exciting.你该改行寻求点儿有刺激的事了。You are a disgrace to the medical profession.你是医学界的耻辱。The profession has a strict code of practice.这一职业有严格的行业守则。The teaching profession claim that they are badly paid.教师同业们声称待遇太差。Teaching as a profession is very underpaid.教书这种职业报酬过低。The profession's leaders must take action now to promote equal opportunities for all.该行业的领导们现在必须采取措施促使所有人获得均等机会。As a civil engineer, Susan will be competing in a predominantly male profession.作为土木工程师,苏珊将在一个男子占统治地位的职业领域里奋斗。She is a handwriting analyst highly regarded in her profession.她是得到同行高度评价的笔迹分析鉴定专家。The teaching profession does not yet reflect the diversity of the population.教师职业还没有反映出人口的多样性。A teaching post is often only a stepping stone to a better paid profession.教书的职位常常只是通往更高薪酬职业的台阶。My father didn't think acting was an honorable profession.我父亲认为当演员不是受人尊敬的职业。It would appear that the legal profession is the nearest thing to a recession-proof industry.司法行业看来是最不易受经济萧条影响的领域了。The teaching profession has a low status in this country.教师这一行在这个国家地位极低。After her first successful cases she zoomed to the top of her profession.在最初的几次成功经历之后,她迅速登上了职业生涯的顶峰。Acting is definitely a young person's profession in many ways.从许多方面来说,表演无疑是吃青春饭的行当。The attitude of the medical profession is very much more liberal now.现在,医务人员的态度开明多了。There's a feeling among the nursing profession that their work is undervalued.护理人员认为他们的工作未得到应有的重视。Will's parents think acting is a useless profession.威尔的父母认为表演是个一无是处的职业。He was a glory to his profession.他是他那一行的光荣。He is an ornament to his profession.他给他那一行大增光彩。




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