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词汇 probably
例句 A baby who is not gaining weight is probably not getting enough to eat.婴儿如果体重不增加,很可能是因为没有足够的东西吃。To stop the fighting there requires the threat and probably the actuality of military force.要平息那里的战火就要威胁采用甚至真正动用军事力量。For ordinary Italians, Sunday's news probably amounts to a mixed blessing.对普通的意大利人民来说,星期天的新闻可以说是悲喜交加。She was probably not consciously aware of her true feelings.也许她没有意识到自己真实的感情。You'll probably only get one chance to take a photo, so don't muff it!你可能只有一次机会照相,所以不要照坏了。He can probably tell us all the details we want.他也许能告诉我们所需的全部详情。You can probably clean that stain with club soda or something. 你可能可以用苏打水或类似的东西去掉那块污渍。It will probably be a few degrees colder by the weekend.周末气温可能会下降几度。She probably sensed that I wasn't telling her the whole story.她可能意识到了我并没有对她全盘托出。He is probably somewhere within the confines of the city.他很可能就在城内的某个地方。Coffee is probably the most popular drink in the world.咖啡很可能是世界上最受欢迎的饮料。A word-of-mouth recommendation is probably the best form of advertising.口头推荐可能是最好的广告方式了。We're dealing with probably the biggest missing link in what we know about human evolution.我们正在解决的可能是我们所知的人类进化过程中缺失最大的一环。Stephanie was humble enough to admit that others could probably do the job better than she could.斯蒂芬妮很谦虚,甚至承认别人来干这工作可能比她更好。I think more customers probably prefer a soft sell.我认为更多的顾客也许更喜欢软性推销。The earliest form of transport was probably some kind of sledge.最早的交通工具可能是某种雪橇。The disease is very probably transmitted in water.这种疾病极有可能是通过水传播的。I will probably choose to wear jeans.我可能会选择穿牛仔裤。The numbers killed in the massacre are probably exaggerated.那次大屠杀的死亡人数可能被夸大了。The disease probably arose from a virus.这种疾病可能是由一种病毒引发的。He was born with a rare bone disease, probably the result of aristocratic inbreeding.他天生就有罕见的骨骼疾病,可能是贵族近亲结婚的结果。If you used the same tape later and had no trouble with the picture, the problem is probably in the VCR.假如后来又使用同一盘录像带而图像没有问题,那么问题可能就出在录像机上。The tree was probably a hundred years old.这棵树很有可能已经一百年了。We could probably sell them for a pretty penny.我们说不定能把这些东西卖个好价钱呢。For your first few days’ teaching, the kids will probably try it on just to see how you react.在你上课的头几天,孩子们可能会故意捣蛋,看看你有何反应。I'll probably be home by midnight.我很可能半夜到家。He probably will have little choice but to force a confrontation sooner or later.他很可能不会有多少选择的余地,迟早都得被迫走上对抗之路。The first series is probably the one best remembered by fans and casual viewers alike.无论是电视迷还是普通观众,第一部连续剧很可能是他们记得最清楚的。There is probably less homophobia in the movie industry than in many others.电影界内对同性恋的偏见可能比其他许多行业少。The number of "cowboys" on the road is probably small, but their behavior is getting them all a bad name.公路上横冲直撞的司机数量或许不多,但他们的行为坏了他们的名声。Retrospectively, it seems as if they probably were negligent.回想一下,看起来他们很可能是疏忽了。In the ancient world, it was probably rare to castrate a dog or cat.古时可能很少对狗或猫进行阉割。He was probably right to intuit that they were connected.他凭直觉认为他们之间有关系,也许他是对的。We can probably squash another couple of things in.我们也许还可以塞几件东西进去。Something, probably a better diet, had rounded out his little cheeks.由于某种原因,很可能是因为吃得好了,他的小脸蛋变得圆乎乎的。He's probably knobbing somebody else's wife.他有可能与别人的老婆有染。There is a story, probably apocryphal, about a British motorcyclist on holiday in America.故事讲述一位英国摩托车手在美国度假,但未必真实。It was probably just a joke to them, but it wasn't funny to me.对他们而言,那可能仅仅是个恶作剧,但对我来说,它一点也不好笑。I'm probably going - it depends on the weather.我很可能会去——这要看天气怎么样。They will probably bump you off anyway!不管怎样他们很可能会干掉你!




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