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词汇 prisoner
例句 They arranged for a transfer of the prisoner to a different prison.他们安排将囚犯转移到另一座监狱。He was kept prisoner in a cold, dank cell.他被囚禁在阴冷潮湿的牢房里。The former prisoner of conscience was elected president of the new democracy.从前的政治犯当选为新的民主政府的总统。Two policemen were assigned to guard the prisoner.两位警察被派去看守那名犯人。The prisoner was released early for good conduct.这个囚犯因表现良好而被提前释放。Does this tie up with what the other prisoner said?这和另一囚犯说的话一致吗?They returned the prisoner guilty of murder.他们裁定案犯犯有杀人罪。The prisoner was seen to take the money.有人见到犯人拿了那笔钱。Then the prisoner is loosed again and is taken aside and persuaded to confess.然后犯人再次被松开,随后被带到一旁劝说招供。The guard unlocked the cuffs of the prisoner.警卫打开了囚犯的手铐。He made the boy's hand a prisoner.他抓着那男孩的手不放。The prisoner was taken to the court under police escort. 囚犯被警察押上了法庭。He lay there groaning like a prisoner stretched out on the rack.他躺在那里呻吟,就像一个囚犯被绑在肢刑架上。The prisoner was put in irons.这囚犯被戴上镣铐。In the movie "Cape Fear", a lawyer's family is threatened by a vindictive former prisoner.在电影《恐怖角》里,一个律师家庭受到了一个出狱囚犯企图报复的威胁。The prisoner begged the judge to have mercy on him.犯人乞求法官怜悯他。The prisoner is being kept/held under lock and key.罪犯正被关押着。He stood up and pointed his gun at the prisoner.他站起身用枪瞄准了那个犯人。The prisoner was in so much pain all he could do was scream and beg for mercy.这名囚犯痛得只能尖叫,乞求怜悯。The Prisoner Review Board can recommend that a prisoner is released, but Illinois Gov. Jim Edgar has the final say.囚犯审查委员会可以建议释放一名犯人,但伊利诺伊州州长吉姆·埃德加拥有最后决定权。A prisoner has escaped from a jail in northern England.一名囚犯从英格兰北部的一所监狱中越狱。The police have a clear case against the prisoner.警方对在押犯掌握了确凿的罪证The judge's instruction bore hard upon the prisoner.法官对陪审团所作的最后法律要点说明对于在押被告十分不利。They were on standing orders never to leave the prisoner unattended.依照惯例,他们从不让犯人脱离看管。The prisoner was manacled and led into the courtroom.囚犯戴上镣铐,被带进了法庭。The escaped prisoner doubled back on his tracks.逃犯又循原路折回。The prisoner will be eligible for parole after three years.这名罪犯三年后有资格获得假释。A shot was fired and in the ensuing uproar the prisoner escaped.先是响了一枪,接着囚犯趁乱逃跑了。The guard kept an eagle eye on the prisoner. 护卫紧盯着这个囚犯。The prisoner washed down the walls of his cell.那个犯人彻底清洗了牢房的墙面。The prisoner's trial was a farce.对该犯的审讯简直是一场闹剧。The prisoner proved his innocence.刑事被告证明自己无罪。Without a wheelchair, she is a virtual prisoner in her own home.没有轮椅,她就是个被困在家里的囚犯。The prisoner was kept in solitary.这名囚犯被单独监禁。They let the prisoner go. = The prisoner was let go.他们释放了那个囚犯。The prisoner asked me to intervene with the authorities on his behalf.这名囚犯请我代表他去和当局交涉。Here are the kitchens where the condemned prisoner's last meal was prepared.这里是给死囚准备最后一餐的厨房。The court will rule on whether the prisoner's constitutional rights were violated.法院将对这名囚犯的宪法权利是否遭到侵犯作出裁决。The prisoner was released, which in the court's opinion was wrong.这个犯人被释放了,而按法院的意见这是错误的。The prisoner is eligible for early release.这名囚犯符合提前释放的条件。




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