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词汇 print
例句 Both broadcast and print media are carrying the story.广播和印刷媒介都在报道这一情况。It's essential to check the fine print. Some loans come with compulsory insurance.仔细审核小字条款非常必要。一些贷款附带强制险。We can only print letters which are accompanied by the writer's name and address.我们只能刊登附有作者姓名和地址的信件。The editor's job is to prepare the manuscript for print. 编辑的工作就是将手稿整理好付印。The disclaimer was buried in the fine print.免责声明是用小号字体印的,不易看到。This novel is available in large print for readers with poor eyesight.这本小说有大字本,以满足视力差的读者的需要。The book was rushed into print, and there are a lot of mistakes in it.这本书仓促付印,所以里面错误很多。See that hand print in the mud?看到泥里的手印了吗?The print in newspapers is smaller than in books.报纸上的印刷字体比书本上的小。You can print to any networked printer in the building.你可以用本楼的任何一台连网打印机打印。Newspapers print notices of marriages and deaths.报纸刊登婚讯和讣告。Jokes often don't translate well into print.笑话变成文字往往就不好笑了。Always read the small print before you sign anything.不管是什么,一定要读了细则之后才签字。The report was incorrect, and the decision to rush it into print was a mistake.这项报道是不正确的,仓促付印的决定是个错误。This section of the print has been blown up so that the enemy's tanks can be clearly seen.照片的这部分已被放大,可以清楚地看到敌人的坦克。You can see a preview of the page/photo before you print it.书页/照片打印前可预览样张/样片。I couldn't get the graphics to print correctly.我无法将图表正确地打印出来。I'll print the file out and then we can look at it.我会把文件打印一份,我们就可以看了。He uses a magnifying glass to read tiny print.他用放大镜来看小字。He crawled from print to print, sniffing at the earth, following the scent left in the tracks.它沿着脚印向前爬,在地面上嗅着,追踪着路上留下的气味。A successful textbook is long-lived and stays in print for several years.成功的教科书使用期长,还可重版好几年。There was no immediate prospect of the diaries getting into print.这些日记近期不会发表。His second book is already in print.他的第二本书已出版。Always read the small print before signing anything.不管什么一定要读了小字印刷条款之后再签字。She had to squint to read the small print.她不得不眯着眼看小字。I had been peering at a computer print-out that made no sense at all.我一直盯着看一张毫无意义的计算机打印稿。You may want to print an obelisk here to draw your reader's attention.你大概需要在这里印个短箭号来引起读者注意。Please print two copies of all the pictures on that roll.请将那个胶卷上的所有照片都冲洗两份。This book has clear print.这本书的字体很清晰。The metal plate is too worn to print.这金属印版太旧,不能印了。Use the cursor to highlight the name of the document you want to print.用光标将你要打印的文件的名称标出来。It was a typical student's room with the inevitable Van Gogh print on the wall.这是一间典型的学生房间,墙上照例挂了一张梵高的画作复制品。When is the book scheduled to go to print? 这本书计划何时付印?We’ll print the design on the lid of the cookie tin.我们将把图案压印在饼干罐的盖子上。A close study of the small print will reveal that many of these insurance policies do not cover the cost of repairing storm damage.如果把细则仔细研究一下,就会发现这其中许多保险单不包括风暴所造成的损坏的修理费。How could the print of a foot came thither I know not, nor could in the least imagine.那脚印是怎么留在那儿的,我既不知道,也丝毫猜不出。It was the first newspaper to print the offending photograph.这是第一份刊登这张引发争议的照片的报纸。All her books are still in print.她所有的书仍在印行。That book has been out of print for years.那本书已售罄多年。Princess Margaret toned with her in a turquoise print dress.玛格丽特公主穿那条青绿色的印花裙子与她很相配。




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