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词汇 presumed
例句 In British law, you are presumed innocent until you are proved guilty.按英国法律,在证明你有罪前,假定你是无辜的。From the way they talked I presumed them to be married.从他们讲话的样子看来,我推测他们已结婚了。The accused person should always be presumed innocent until proved guilty.被告人只要没被证明有罪就应该推定其无罪。The burden of proof is on the plaintiff, since the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty. 由于在未定罪前要假定被告无罪,所以原告负有举证责任。The species was presumed extinct.这一物种据推定已绝种。I hear that he's missing in action, presumed dead.我听说他在作战中失踪,据推定已经死亡。Jonathan Swift was presumed to be a misanthrope, a hater of his own species.过去,乔纳森·斯威夫特被视为一个厌世者,一个憎恨自己同类的人。He's missing in action, presumed dead.他在战斗中失踪,推测为阵亡。The committee presumed that its decisions would be carried out.委员会相信他们的决定将被付诸实施。I had presumed wrongly that Jenny would be there.我猜珍妮会在那儿,结果推断错误。Their nephew was missing, presumed dead.他们的侄子失踪了,估计已经死亡。Many scientists presumed the new damage to the forests to be the result of higher levels of pollution.许多科学家相信森林遭到新的破坏是污染程度加剧导致的结果。A person should never be presumed guilty.永远不应该假设某人有罪。The lost mountain climbers were believed/presumed dead.人们认为/推测失踪的登山队员们已经遇难。The defendant is presumed innocent until proved guilty.被告在被证明有罪之前是被假定为无罪的。After the earthquake several people were missing and presumed dead. 地震后一些人失踪了,并被推定罹难。The temple is presumed to date from the first century BC.据推测这座寺庙建于公元前一世纪。Everyone should be presumed innocent until proven guilty.在证明有罪之前,每个人都必须被认定是无罪的。The burden of proof falls on the prosecution: the accused is presumed innocent until proved guilty.举证责任在控方:除非被证实有罪,否则就假定被告无罪。From the way he talked, I presumed him to be your boss.从他谈话的样子看,我想他是你们的老板。The missing person is presumed dead.那名失踪者已被推定死亡。Harrison disappeared and was presumed dead.哈里森失踪,人们断定他已死亡。They must be presumed innocent until proven guilty.直到被证明有罪之前,他们应被假定无罪。Under criminal law people are presumed innocent until proved guilty.按刑法规定,人们在被证明有罪之前被认定是无罪的。




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