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词汇 press
例句 Our freedom was threatened by press censorship.新闻审查制度威胁到了我们的自由。Carol held a press conference and declared that she was innocent.卡洛尔举行了一个记者招待会宣称自己是无辜的。It's a meeting for shareholders only, and the press are excluded.这是个仅有股东们参加的会议,不接受新闻界的采访报道。I don't want to press the issue, but it is important and needs to be addressed immediately.我不想一再强调这个问题,但这很重要,需要立即解决。The press conference was followed by a walkabout and a factory visit.新闻发布会之后是亲民活动和参观工厂。The press has been asked to respect the privacy of the Royal Family during this very difficult time.在这十分困难的时候,报界被要求尊重皇室的隐私。The party will continue to press the case for a new electoral system.该党将继续坚持要求建立新的选举制度。The vitriol he hurled at members of the press knew no bounds.他对媒体的尖刻抨击没完没了。The press is anxious for a blue.报刊渴望进行辩论。The family appeared at the press conference but made no substantive comments.这一家人在记者招待会上露了面,但未发表任何实质性的评论。The Foreign Minister's press conference was a clear effort to preempt a damaging disclosure.外交部长举行的记者招待会显然旨在先发制人,以防止危害极大的泄密。Officials have eased up on the press restrictions.官员们已经放松了对新闻界的限制。Nobody ever spoke to me at press conferences.记者招待会上一直没人和我说话。The commanders were anxious to press home their advantage with a further offensive in the north.指挥官们一心想在北部进一步发动进攻以扩大战果。All the candidates have been getting an enormous amount of exposure on television and in the press.所有候选人都在电视和报刊上频频亮相。They've taken out a huge advertisement in the national press.他们已经获准在全国性报刊上做一个大幅广告。Someone was leaking confidential information to the press.有人向新闻界泄露了机密情报。She was opposed to new laws to muzzle the press.她反对钳制媒体言论的新法律。From the start of the season, the Arsenal striker has been hounded by the press.从本季赛开始,这位阿森纳前锋便一直被媒体追踪报道。The press squeezed as much mileage from her alleged cold-blooded wickedness as possible.报界从她的所谓冷血恶行中榨取了尽可能多的好处。The team's tour manager called a press conference.乐队巡演的经纪人召开了记者招待会。Someone must have tipped the press off about the princess's visit.肯定是有人事先向新闻界透露了王妃来访的消息。There are four planks supporting an England manager: the players, the FA, the press and the public.英格兰队主教练受到以下四类人员的支持:运动员、足球协会、媒体和公众。The charity has a full-time press officer working with the national newspapers.这一慈善机构有一个和全国性报纸打交道的全职新闻官员。He decided not to bring/press charges. 他决定不提出指控。The conservative press calls him a bleeding-heart liberal.保守党媒体称他是个滥用同情心的自由党人。The press doesn't seem to be very well informed.新闻界似乎并不是消息很灵通。Freedom of the press is restricted here.在这里新闻自由受到限制。They gave assurances they would press for reciprocity with Greece in the issuing of visas.他们保证将推进本国与希腊两国间签证的互相发放。The press accused the president of dirty tricks in his election campaign.媒体指责总统在竞选中使用了卑鄙手段。The rats are rewarded with food when they press the lever.老鼠压下杠杆时就会得到食物作为奖励。The press made much of the discovery.新闻界对这个发现大事宣传。All she did was press a few keys on the terminal.她所做的就是在终端机上按几个键。The information was given at an unusually well-attended press conference yesterday.这个消息是在昨天举行的新闻发布会上宣布的,与会者甚多,出乎意料。They held daily press briefings.他们每天召开新闻发布会。Someone bumbled and told the story to the press.有人闯了祸,把这事告诉了媒体。The press latched onto the marketing strategy.媒体开始对营销策略感兴趣。Which key do I press to delete it?按哪个键可以将它删除?The press, once heavily censored, has managed to shake off its shackles.新闻界一度受到严格审查,现已设法摆脱了束缚。Despite criticism from the press, the governor is sticking to her guns on this issue.尽管受到媒体批评,州长在这个问题上仍然坚持她自己的立场。




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