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词汇 President
例句 The President took time out from his busy schedule to speak to the crowds.总统百忙之中抽空与民众对话。Speaking to Congress, the President appealed for cooperation in dealing with the sagging economy.总统在对国会的演讲中呼吁携手合作对付疲弱的经济。President Kennedy's assassination had far-reaching repercussions.肯尼迪总统遇刺产生的影响是深远的。Mrs Reagan was widely regarded as the President's alter ego.里根夫人被普遍认为是里根总统的知己。Senator Johnson accused the President of stealing his thunder on the tax issue.约翰逊参议员指责总统在税收问题上抢占了他的功劳。Critics took aim at the President.评论员向总统开火。The President spoke of the need for territorial compromise.总统谈到了在领土问题上达成和解的必要性。The President is very popular with Jewish voters.总统很受犹太选民欢迎。He became the President's personal physician.他成了总统的私人医生。The President of the U.S. is the chief executive.美国总统是最高行政官。A message taped by the President was broadcast to US troops around the world.一条总统录音的口讯被播送给全世界的美国军队。The only question is whether the President can use his extraordinary political skills to turn the tables on his opponents.唯一的问题是,总统能否运用他杰出的政治手腕化被动为主动,击败对手。His country called him into service as its President.国家召唤他任总统之职。The President may have secured some support from the middle classes.总统可能已经得到了一些中产阶级选民的支持。The President believes that all military objectives have been achieved.总统相信,所有的军事目标都已实现。The ultimate responsibility for policy lies with the President.政策最终由总统决定。One of these gunmen pierced the protective cordon around the President's house.其中一个持枪人突破了总统住房周围的警戒线。The President sent federal troops to Grenada to keep the peace.总统向格林纳达派遣联邦军队以维护和平。Widespread protests have placed the President under serious pressure.普遍的抗议让总统承受了极大的压力。The President's envoy set off on another diplomatic trip.总统的使节开始了又一次外交之旅。The President's hopes for the country were high-minded, but too vague.总统对国家寄予崇高的期望,不过太含糊了。The Vice President is on an official trip/visit.副总统正在公务出行/访问。Foreign diplomats and their wives had assembled in the Great Hall to meet the President.外国的外交官和他们的夫人在大会堂集合与总统会面。The President and the Prime Minister are meeting at this very moment. 总统和总理此刻正在举行会谈。The President seemed to be the one who knew least about the crisis.总统好像是最不了解这次危机的人。It might not be safe politically for the President to leave the country.总统离开国家可能会有政治上的危险。He came through to the President as subtle and brilliant.总统觉得他老练且才华出众。The President was in a pugnacious mood when he spoke to journalists about the rebellion.总统和记者说起叛乱时,情绪激昂。The power of veto resides with the President. 总统拥有否决权。A clairvoyant predicted that something terrible would happen to the President.一位据说未卜先知的人预言总统会遭遇可怕的事。The President was exiled by military rulers soon after the coup.政变后不久,总统便被军事当局流放。Delors claimed that the President had gone back on his word.德洛斯声称总统违背了诺言。The President's counter-inflation policy remains a thing of shreds and patches.总统的反通货膨胀政策只不过是个拼拼凑凑的大杂烩。The President will see you this afternoon.今天下午总统将接见你。The President has recently returned from a five day tour of South America.总统在南美洲进行了为期五天的访问,最近刚刚回来。He's a ringer for the President.他长得很像总统。The President's visit had to be delayed because of security problems.因安全问题,总统的访问只得延期了。The President's unescorted vehicle was ambushed just outside the capital.刚出首都,总统无人护卫的汽车就遭到了伏击。The ship's crew saluted the President as he came aboard.总统登上船时,船员向他致敬。The President himself won the most votes.总统本人得票最多。




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