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词汇 preserve
例句 The company is anxious to preserve its independence.公司急于保持独立。To preserve the farm intact, he transferred it to one heir.为了保持这个农场的完整,他将它移交给一个继承人。The two nations made a compact to preserve the peace.两国订立了和约。Brush top of pudding with apricot preserve or honey.在布丁的顶部涂上杏子酱或蜂蜜。We will do everything to preserve peace.我们会尽全力维持和平。The Red Cross's primary concern is to preserve and protect human life.红十字会最关心的是维护人的生命安全。We want to preserve the character of the town while improving the facilities.我们想在改善市镇设施的同时保持其特色。Salt can be used to preserve meat.盐可用来保存肉类。She decided to go for a walk in the forest preserve.她决定去森林保护区散散步。Arabian jam is also known as angels' hair preserve, or more prosaically as carrot jam.阿拉伯酱也被叫作天使秀发酱,或者更通俗点就是胡萝卜酱。It was the screenwriters' task to preserve the evanescent charm of these stories.编剧的任务是保留住这些故事短暂的魅力。It is our duty to preserve our culture for future generations.为子孙后代保护我们的文化是我们的职责。He's managed to preserve his boyish good looks.他设法保留住了自己少年般的俊秀容貌。Sport used to be a male preserve.体育曾经是男性的专利。The leaders of the coup tried to preserve the illusion that they would continue Gorbachev's policies.政变领导人试图保持他们将会继续执行戈尔巴乔夫政策的错觉。They discussed a plan to preserve the world's tropical forests.他们讨论了一个保护世界热带森林的计划。All the names in the book have been changed to preserve the victims’ anonymity.为了维护受害者的匿名权,书中所有的人名都作了改动。The company cannot preserve its dominant position in the market.这家公司无法保持它在市场上的统治地位。I like to make puree, using only enough sugar to preserve the plums.我喜欢做果泥,只需要用一点糖把李子腌一下。These laws are intended to help preserve our natural resources.制定这些法律的目的是有助于保护自然资源。The timber has been treated with chemicals to preserve it.这些木材已经过化学处理以便保存。Keen to preserve his artistic integrity, he refused several lucrative Hollywood offers.他十分重视保持自己的艺德,几次拒绝了好莱坞报酬丰厚的演出邀请。The country is fighting to preserve its territorial integrity.这个国家正在为维护领土完整而战斗。The military was once an all-male preserve.军人曾是男人的专利。I undertake to preserve a strictly neutral position during this debate.在这次辩论中,我保证恪守中立的立场。No hunting is allowed in the preserve.保护区内禁止打猎。It is highly important to preserve the environment.维护自然环境至关重要。We must preserve our natural environment.我们必须保护我们的自然环境。They were trying to preserve the facade of a happy marriage.他们试图维持一个美满婚姻的假象。Most countries try to preserve their international credit rating in order to secure necessary loans.大多数国家都努力维护国际信用等级以确保得到必要的贷款。It was his firm conviction that every effort should be made to preserve world peace.他坚信应尽一切努力维持世界和平。The oil is used to soften and preserve the leather.这种油脂用来软化和保护皮革制品。We need to take action to help preserve fish stocks.我们需要采取行动以保护渔业资源。Every step will be taken to preserve your anonymity.将采取各种措施确保不公开你的姓名。Organic food was the preserve of health obsessives and eco-conscious vegetarians.有机食品是那些健康痴迷者和有生态意识的素食主义者的专爱。Bad driving is not just the preserve of boy racers.不良驾驶不仅仅是飙车小子们才会做的事。A video-cassette recorder can be used to preserve TV programs on tape.盒式录像机能用来把电视节目保存在录像带上。Our goal is to preserve the dignity and independence of our patients.我们的目标是保持病人的尊严和独立性。We need to preserve these resources for future generations.我们需要为子孙后代保护好这些资源。The Act contained provisions designed to preserve the status quo.法令中有旨在维护现状的规定。




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