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词汇 presents
例句 The booklet presents information about the project in a predigested form and explains things in an easy, non-technical way.这本小册子以简化的形式提供了该项目的信息,以通俗易懂的方式进行了解释。It is a well-known fact that people always buy presents for the person they wish you were rather than the person you are.众所周知,人们买礼物是以己度人,并不考虑对方的实际需要。This presents something of a problem.这多少带来了一点问题。In effect, Parsons presents us with a beguilingly simple outline of social evolution.事实上,帕森斯向我们展示了一个看似简单的社会沿革轮廓图。She didn't even trouble to look at our presents.她甚至不屑看一下我们的礼物。If he presents himself as a radical he risks scaring off the moderates.如果他表现得过于激进,就有可能吓跑温和派人士。We spent three days after the wedding writing thank-you letters for all the presents we'd had.婚礼后,我们花了三天时间来为收到的所有礼物写感谢信。Santa Claus handed out presents to the children.圣诞老人给孩子们分发礼物。This year we won't even be able to buy presents for our grandchildren. It's heartbreaking.今年我们甚至不能给孙子孙女们买礼物,真是让人心碎。I've still got a few Christmas presents to wrap up.我还有一些圣诞礼物要包起来。The children proudly showed me their presents.孩子们自豪地给我看他们的礼物。Taylor's latest CD presents the listener with an intriguing mixture of musical styles.泰勒最新的唱片使听众领略到了迷人的音乐风格大杂烩。I spend far too much money on Christmas presents.我花太多的钱买圣诞礼物了。All these presents came to more money than I had, and my mother had to help me out.我的钱不够买所有这些礼物,我母亲只好借了我一些钱。They want me to dress up as Santa Claus, and dish out presents at the kids’ Christmas party.他们要我打扮成圣诞老人,在孩子们的圣诞晚会上分送礼物。I've got the kids’ presents all hidden away ready for Christmas day.我把给孩子们的礼物都藏了起来,准备到圣诞节那天拿出来。She bought presents for every member of her family.她给家里的每一个人都买了礼物。I like to get all my Christmas presents bought and sent in good time.我喜欢早早地买好全部圣诞礼物然后送出去。The book presents an unbiased account of the historical event.这部书对于那次历史事件提供了不偏不倚的介绍。The capper came when everyone watched her open her presents.看着她打开一包包礼物时,大家的兴致高到极点。To children on vacation from cities, the rugged environment presents exciting alternatives.对于从大城市来度假的儿童说来,这种艰苦的环境提供了令人兴奋的调剂。Diana is wrapping up the family presents.黛安娜正在将家人的礼物包起来。The way pupils use sexually abusive language to insult each other presents particular problems for teachers.学生们使用下流脏话互相辱骂给教师带来了难题。We can't afford to spend much on Christmas presents this year.今年我们拿不出很多钱来购买圣诞礼物。Under certain given circumstances, an agglomeration of men presents new characteristics very different from those of the individuals composing it.在某种特定情况下,人们聚集在一起时表现出新的特征,它们与这些人单独表现的特征很不相同。It is traditional for the groom to buy presents for the bridesmaids.按照传统,新郎应该给女傧相买礼物。This evening PBS presents the first part of a six-part historical drama about the Civil War.今晚,美国公共广播公司将播放描写内战的六集历史剧的第一集。If you ignore her message because you don't like the way she presents it, you will be throwing out the baby with the bathwater.如果你因为不喜欢她那种呈现信息的方式而不理睬她提供的信息,那么你就是良莠不分一起抛。After the meal we unwrapped the presents.饭后我们拆开了礼物的包装。How these insects actually communicate presents something of a mystery.这些昆虫究竟怎样传递信息可以说还是个谜。The play presents a panorama of the history of communism.这场演出呈现了共产主义历史的全貌。At Christmas, family and friends exchange presents.圣诞节时家人和朋友们互送礼物。Go ahead and take a peek at your presents.去吧,去瞄一眼给你的礼物。I refuse to spend my hard-earned cash on presents!我拒绝把自己辛辛苦苦赚来的钱花在买礼物上!This presents a problem for many financial consumers.这给很多金融消费者带来了一个问题。They were busy wrapping presents late on Christmas Eve.在平安夜深夜,他们忙着包装礼物。Did you wrap the presents?你包好礼物没有?Wrap presents with small amounts of sticky tape.请用少量的透明胶带来包装礼品。The book/film presents a portrait of life in a small town.这本书/这部电影对小镇生活进行了详细描述。How many birthday presents did you get?你收到了多少生日礼物?




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