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词汇 prescribe
例句 A lot of GPs are too quick to prescribe drugs, instead of letting the body get better on its own.许多普通医生动不动就开药,而不是让身体自行康复。The doctor may prescribe an SSRI such as Prozac, Zoloft, or Paxil.医生可以开选择性血清素再吸收抑制剂的处方,例如百忧解、左洛复、克忧果等。Top doctors asked to be allowed to prescribe cannabis for pain relief.一流的医生要求相关部门批准其为缓解疼痛开大麻处方。Your doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics.你的医生可能会开一个疗程的抗生素。GPs do not routinely prescribe aspirin for everyone at risk of heart attacks.全科医生不会冒着触发心脏病的风险为每个人例行开阿司匹林。The regulations prescribe that all employees must pass a physical examination.条例规定所有员工必须通过体检。Doctors should inform patients about the possible side effects of any drugs they prescribe.医生应该告诉病人所开药品的潜在副作用。Do not prescribe to me what I'm going to do.不要规定我做什么事。Doctors are reluctant to prescribe a new class of drugs, especially ones which need to be taken for long periods of time.医生不愿意开新品种的药,尤其是那些需要长期服用的药物。Whether or not to prescribe an antibiotic in this case is a judgement call.在这种情况下是否应该开抗生素是一个见仁见智的问题。If these don't work I may have to prescribe you something stronger.如果这些药无效,我也许得给你开一些药效更强的。Your doctor may prescribe drugs for this condition.你的医生会根据你的这一病情开药。They encourage doctors to prescribe cheaper generic drugs instead of more expensive brand names.他们鼓励医生给患者开较便宜的非专利药,而不是价格更高的品牌药。Therapists cannot prescribe drugs as they are not necessarily medically qualified.由于治疗师不一定具有行医资格,所以他们不可以开处方。




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