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词汇 premium
例句 Many customers are willing to pay a premium for organic vegetables.很多顾客愿意多花钱买有机蔬菜。The building is on a premium site.这幢大楼建在一块风水宝地上。In Siberia labour is at a premium.西伯利亚劳动力奇缺。You'll have to pay a premium if you want next-day delivery.如果你想次日送达,必须支付附加费用。It will put a premium on drinking in the district.这将助长地区内的酗酒风气。Hard-to-get train tickets can be bought at a premium.紧俏的火车票能以高价买到。The hotel charges premium rates during the summer.夏季宾馆价格更高。Publishers put/place a premium on accuracy. 出版商非常重视准确性。Student flats are at a premium.现在学生公寓供不应求。Hard-to-get theater tickets can be bought at a premium.紧俏的戏票能以高价买到。There is a premium for hotel rooms that have views of the beach.宾馆海景房价格更高。Foldaway furniture is the answer where space is at a premium.对于空间狭小的地方,折叠式家具是解决方法。If space is at a premium, choose adaptable furniture.如果空间狭小,就选择可改装的家具。The dictionary sells on its merits alone, without the aid of any premium of cheapness.这部词典的销售全凭自身质量,而不是靠廉价优惠。Persuading consumers to pay more for premium products is good marketing.说服消费者花高价购买优质产品是很好的营销手段。Companies all seem to charge a premium if you want anything but the most basic service.如果你想享用最基本服务以外的其他服务,各家公司似乎都会收取额外的费用。The shares are selling at a premium.那些股票索价高于面值。Land in the county is selling at a premium. 这个县的土地售价很高。Electricity companies pay a premium for renewable energy.电力公司为可再生能源支付额外的费用。You had to call a premium-rate line to enter the contest.要参加比赛必须拨打一个收费很高的电话号码。I place a high premium on what someone is like as a person.我非常看重一个人的人品。The cost of a policy premium is a small price to pay for peace of mind.若能换个心安,花钱买个保险算不了什么。Customers are willing to pay premium prices for products that are reliable.顾客愿意花高价买可靠的产品。Manufacturers can start in the premium sector and then work down.厂商可以先定位高端客户,然后逐步扩展客户群体。Fertilizer is sold at a premium by government officials.政府官员以高价出售化肥。If space is at a premium, choose adaptable furniture that won't fill the room.如果空间有限,就选择一些不会把房间占得很满的可改装家具。Space was at a premium here.这里空间奇缺。The premium can increase at the whim of the insurers.保险公司可以随意提高保费。The annual premium can be a little steep, but will be well worth it if your dog is injured.每年要交的保险费可能有点高,但如果你的狗受了伤就会很值了。The company is charging a pretty hefty premium for access to their network.该公司正在对登录其网络收取可观的额外费用。The insurance premium is small beer compared to what we'd have to pay if the house burned down.同房子万一被烧毁时我们的损失相比,保险金就微不足道了。People are prepared to pay premium prices for quality products.人们愿意出高价购买优质产品。People are willing to pay premium prices for quality products.人们愿意花高价购买优质产品。You have a ten-day grace period in which to pay your insurance premium.你有十天的宽限期支付保险费。The company places a high premium on customer loyalty.公司非常重视客户的忠诚。We bought bunk beds because space in the apartment is at a premium.由于公寓空间狭小,我们买了双层床。The premium for my buildings insurance has just been increased.我的房屋保险费刚刚增加了。Student flats are at a premium.学生公寓非常紧缺。The insurance premium is wholly irrecoverable.保险费是完全不可取回的。Do you use regular or premium gas in your car?你的车是使用普通汽油还是优质汽油?




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