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词汇 prefers
例句 She prefers portraiture to still life.比起静物画,她更喜欢肖像画。He prefers to let his deeds speak for themselves.他更喜欢用行动说话。Part of me loves going to parties but there's another part that prefers staying at home.我既喜欢参加聚会,又爱待在家里。She prefers to steam carrots rather than boil them.她喜欢把胡萝卜蒸着吃而不是煮着吃。He's able to walk short distances with crutches but prefers his wheelchair.他拄着腋杖能走一小段路,可他宁愿坐轮椅。She prefers a pastel like light yellow.她喜欢浅黄这样的柔和颜色。Chantal prefers travelling by train.钱特尔更喜欢乘火车旅行。He prefers rural life to urban one.他喜欢乡村生活而不喜欢城市生活。He prefers to remain in the background and let his assistant deal with the press.他宁愿留在幕后而让助手去应付媒体。She wears makeup for special occasions, but otherwise prefers an au naturel look.她在重要场合时才化妆,平时喜欢素颜。That lowbrow prefers pornography to fine art.那格调低的人喜欢黄色书刊胜于艺术。He still prefers the old-fashioned British meal of meat and two veg.他依然喜欢吃那种一荤两素的老式英国餐。He prefers not to discuss the whys and wherefores of what exactly happened.他不愿去讨论事情究竟为什么发生。He prefers having his hair cut in a unisex salon.他喜欢在不分性别的发廊里理发。He's not a joiner. He prefers to do things by himself.他不爱参加社团。他更喜欢独自行事。This type of owl prefers a desert habitat.这种猫头鹰喜欢沙漠的生活环境。He prefers to work behind the scenes as a director.他更愿意作为导演在幕后工作。She prefers chocolate over vanilla.较之香草她更喜欢巧克力。This plant prefers a lightly shaded position.这种植物适宜放在略微阴凉的地方。He prefers others to do the fighting for him.他喜欢别人为他冲锋陷阵。She prefers wearing high heels on formal occasions.在正式场合她比较喜欢穿高跟鞋。She prefers Mozart and Beethoven to modern composers.比起现代作曲家她更喜欢莫扎特和贝多芬。When it comes to men, she prefers brains over brawn. 说到男人,她更喜欢有头脑的,而不是肌肉发达的。She prefers to stay in detention rather than be released and go into exile.她更愿意呆在拘留所而不是被释放然后开始流亡生活。Byrne prefers to dwell in the present.伯恩更喜欢活在当下。He prefers writing in verse rather than in prose.他更喜欢用韵文而不是散文写作。He prefers natural lighting for his photography.他摄影时喜欢用自然光。McCullin still prefers to shoot in monochrome.麦库林还是喜欢拍黑白照片。He prefers travelling on the Tube to riding in a limousine.他更愿意乘地铁出行,不愿坐豪华轿车。A certain kind of Briton prefers circumlocution and euphemism for even everyday speech.有一类英国人即使在日常言语中也喜欢使用迂回的说法和委婉语。He prefers going to the theatre alone.他更喜欢独自去看戏。He prefers playing to live audiences.他更喜欢给观众现场演奏。Caroline prefers her worktops to be clear of clutter.卡罗琳喜欢把厨房操作台收拾得整整齐齐。He prefers to fly economy class.他宁愿乘坐经济舱。She prefers to go her own way, which is fine by me.她愿意按她自己的想法来,我无所谓。She prefers to use natural light when taking photographs.她拍照时喜欢使用自然光。She prefers playing small concert halls rather than big stadiums.相比大型体育场,她更喜欢在小型音乐厅演奏。She plays passable golf but prefers tennis.她高尔夫球打得还行,但是她更喜欢打网球。She prefers one-pieces to bikinis.比起比基尼,她更喜欢连体泳衣。She prefers living off campus. 她喜欢住在校外。




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