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词汇 precisely
例句 Children come to zoos precisely to see captive animals.孩子们到动物园就是为了看圈养的动物。The difference between the two approaches is hard to pin down precisely.这两种方法之间的区别很难准确地说清楚。I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon, or, more precisely, at two o'clock this afternoon.我今天下午约了医生,更准确地说是今天下午两点。Dartman spoke very precisely.达特曼吐字非常清楚。The suitcases were contained in precisely dimensioned compartments.那些手提箱放在严格按规定尺寸做成的隔间里。It is not possible to pinpoint precisely the time of death.准确地确定死亡时间是不可能的。But it's precisely because of the noise that they're thinking of moving.说实在的,就是那些噪声使他们想搬家。That answers precisely to our need.那正好符合我们的需要。Our interests are precisely congruent with yours.我们和你们的利益是完全一致的。The parts of the engine have been precisely machined.引擎的零件已经用机器精确加工成型。She did not specify precisely how many people were involved in the incident.她没有确切说明这起事件涉及多少人。That is precisely the point I was trying to make earlier.这就是我开头想说的一点。It takes imagination and intellect to work out precisely what to do with it.要有应变能力和聪明才智才能想出到底应该怎么办。She's precisely the kind of person we're looking for.她正是我们要找的那种人。He was furious, precisely because he had not been invited.他火冒三丈,就因为没有邀请他。The key thing was to make sure that all the ingredients were weighed absolutely precisely.关键是要确保所有配料称重绝对精确。I'll tell you precisely how your father makes his money.我会一五一十地告诉你,你父亲是怎么赚钱的。A word of warning. Don't stick too precisely to what it says in the book.提醒一句:不要过于迷信书上的话。He couldn't speak, but this was the correct reaction, conveying my feelings precisely.他不会说话,但这是正确反应,完好的表达了我的感受。These instruments calculate distances precisely.这些仪器计算距离非常精确。He knows precisely how much money he has.他很清楚地知道自己有多少钱。That is precisely the result the system is designed to produce.那恰恰是设计该系统时所希望达到的结果。This method guarantees seed precisely adapted to the area.这一方法保证种子能完全适应这一地区。The king was popular precisely because he was so kind and generous.国王受欢迎正是因为他如此和蔼和慷慨。That is precisely the effect I was aiming at.那正是我想要达到的效果。Raymond did not have Aids. More precisely, he was not HIV-positive.雷蒙德没有患艾滋病。更准确地说,他的艾滋病病毒检测不呈阳性。It is precisely because the sector is depressed that it is the right time to invest.正因为该行业不景气,所以现在是投资的好时机。I'll tell you precisely how to do it.我将确切地告诉你如何办理此事。Can you tell us more precisely what happened?你能再准确一点,告诉我们发生了什么事情吗?Don't stick too precisely to what it says in the book.不要过分拘泥于书上所说的。Tom's problem was that he lacked confidence; Ed failed for precisely the opposite reason.汤姆的问题是缺乏信心,而埃德的失败恰恰是因为他太过自信。It was precisely his style and character which were most strongly and woundingly criticized.正是他的风格和个性招致了最严厉、最不留情面的批评。Temperature can be measured precisely.温度可以精确地测量出来。Nobody knows precisely how many people are still living in the camp.没有人确切知道还有多少人仍住在露营地。We're precisely the same age.我们的年龄一般大。He arrived at precisely 4 o'clock.他正好是四点钟到的。At the end of the war we were in precisely the same financial position as before.战争结束时,我们的经济地位与以前一模一样。I think we can date the decline of Western Civilization quite precisely.我认为我们可以相当准确地确定西方文明开始衰落的年代。Shawls will be brought by injudicious mothers at precisely the most ineligible moments.考虑欠周的母亲们偏偏会在最不合宜的时刻把围巾带来。How very convenient that Gayle was away precisely on the day we needed her.盖尔恰巧在我们需要她的那天不在,可真是时候!




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