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例句 She posed as a student to get free admission to the museum.她假扮学生,得以免费进入博物馆。Before going into their meeting the six foreign ministers posed for photographs.六位外交部长在开始会晤之前摆姿势合影留念。A fashionable couple posed elegantly at the next table.一对穿着入时的夫妇优雅地坐在邻桌。The team posed as drug dealers to trap the ringleaders.该队假装成了贩毒者来诱捕贩毒头目。You've posed us an awkward question.你给我们出了一个难题。The family posed outside the house.全家人在屋子外面摆好姿势准备拍照。He posed as a doctor to gain access to the hospital.他冒充医生,混入了医院。The outgoing and incoming presidents posed for the cameras.即将离任的总统和新上任的总统都在照相机前摆好了姿势。We posed for a group photograph.我们摆拍了一张集体照。Patients need to be informed about the danger posed by the drug. 病人需要了解那种药品可能带来的风险。She had once posed for Life classes when she was an art student.她在艺校上学时曾为人体写生课当过模特儿。There was talk that she had posed topless for a magazine.有传言说她为一家杂志拍过无上装裸照。The photographer posed her on the steps of the courthouse.摄影师让她在法院的台阶上摆好姿势。The same model sat/posed for several of his paintings.他的好几幅画用的都是同一个模特儿。The agent posed as a consultant until someone blew her cover.在身份暴露之前,这位女特工对外声称是顾问。The question was posed in a flat tone.这个问题是用平淡的语调提出的。He was determined not to be posed.他决心不被难住。We can't ignore the threat posed by nuclear weapons.我们不能忽视核武器的威胁。He posed as a connoisseur in paintings.他冒充绘画鉴赏家。Can we go back to the question that Helena posed earlier?我们能否回到海伦娜早先提出的那个问题上去?The photographer posed the family before taking the picture.摄影师在照相前先让一家子摆好姿势。He cupped his ear and squinted uncomprehendingly when the press posed inconvenient questions.当媒体提出难堪的问题时,他就会将手拢在耳边、不解地眯起眼睛。She posed and smiled for the cameraman.她摆好姿势微笑着让摄影师拍摄。The boys posed rather self-consciously for the photo.男孩子们拍这张照片时姿势很不自然。The leaders discussed the danger posed by an upsurge of extreme nationalism.领导者们讨论了极端民族优越感激增所造成的危害。There is a threat to social order posed by right-wing extremists.右翼极端主义分子给社会秩序带来了威胁。The company is alive to the threat posed by foreign imports.这家公司了解外来进口商品所造成的威胁。In Oxford, the two sides of town and gown have long been posed in opposition to one another. 在牛津,大学生和居民长期以来一直处于对立面。I asked whether her closeness to her mother ever posed any problems.我问她,她和妈妈之间的亲密关系是否曾带来过任何问题。Both parents and teachers are worried about the problems posed by drugs.父母和教师都对毒品带来的问题感到忧心忡忡。Everyone posed for the group photo.每个人都摆好姿势准备拍集体照。Local residents are deeply concerned about the threat to health posed by the power station.当地居民因发电厂威胁健康而极其忧虑。She had once posed for life classes when she was an art student.她在艺校上学时曾当过人体写生课模特。Supplies of food were so low that this posed a threat as serious as invasion.食物奇缺,这一威胁如同遭到入侵一样严重。Europe is still groping for answers to the economic-policy questions posed by these issues.欧洲仍在探寻因这些议题引发的经济政策问题的答案。She posed jauntily for the camera.她对着相机得意扬扬地摆了个姿势。They posed for their team picture and everyone was clowning about.他们摆好姿势拍集体照,每个人都在扮滑稽相。She once posed nude for a magazine.她曾为一本杂志拍过裸照。She posed for Polaroid pictures with her fans.她摆好姿势和她的粉丝们用宝丽来相机留影。The whales were too close; this posed an immediate problem for my photography.鲸鱼离得太近,这成了我眼下拍摄面临的迫切问题。




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