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词汇 pores
例句 I can't clog my pores up with foundation.我不能用粉底霜堵塞毛孔。The density of pores on leaves is a marker for CO concentration.树叶上气孔的密集程度能够指示二氧化碳的浓度。Sweat passes through the pores and cools the body down.汗从毛孔中排出以降低体温。The size of your pores is determined by the amount of oil they produce.毛孔大小取决于其出油多少。A hot bath opens the pores.洗一个热水澡能使毛孔张开。A plant's lungs are the microscopic pores in its leaves.植物的肺就是其叶片上微细的气孔。Another bountiful monsoon is under way, flooding the pores and cracks of a parched land.眼下又是一个雨量充沛的雨季,充沛的雨水淹没了干裂的土地。Powdering a sweaty nose will only block up the pores and make the skin more uncomfortable.往出汗的鼻子上扑粉只会堵塞毛孔,使皮肤更加不舒服。Your open pores excrete sweat and dirt.人身上张开的毛孔排出汗水和污垢。Dirt clogs the pores, causing spots.灰尘堵塞毛孔,从而生出粉刺。Pimples form when pores become blocked with dirt.污物堵塞毛孔就会长丘疹。The sweat flooded out of his pores.汗水从他的毛孔里直往外冒。




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