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例句 It is doubtful that the governor's proposed tax increase will be popular with voters.州长的增税提案会否受到选民拥护还很难说。Ice cream is always popular with children.冰激凌一直是孩子们爱吃的东西。That teacher is popular with students because of his sense of fair play.那位教师公正无私,所以受到学生们的爱戴。The bar is popular with college students.这个酒吧很受大学生欢迎。Skateboarding and rollerblading are particularly popular with young boys.滑板运动和滚轴溜冰尤其受到男孩子们的喜爱。A spoilt child is rarely popular with other children.被宠坏的孩子很难得到其他孩子的喜爱。The restaurant is popular with veggies.这家餐厅深受素食者的青睐。Out of season Formentera is very popular with writers and artists.佛门特拉岛在旅游淡季时很受作家和画家们的欢迎。His quick-fire jokes were very popular with the audience.他连珠炮似的笑话很受观众欢迎。Her novels are popular with university literati, but they have failed to attract a wider audience.她的小说受到大学里文人学者的欢迎,但对更广泛的读者却没有什么吸引力。He was not only talented but immensely popular with his colleagues.他不仅才华横溢,而且深受同事的喜爱。The union's message is popular with the rank and file.联合会的讯息很受广大成员的欢迎。His calm, quiet temperament made him popular with his colleagues.他平和、安静的性情使他在同事中颇有人缘。The area is popular with walkers.这地方很受散步者欢迎。The nightclub is popular with Berlin's smart set.该夜总会很受柏林新潮人士的欢迎。World Music is now well established and popular with mass audiences.世界音乐现在已广为人知,并受到了广大听众的喜爱。Chocolate sauce is always popular with youngsters.巧克力酱总是深受年轻人的喜爱。She's not popular with the old guard.她不受保守派的欢迎。The government's decision to tax gas and electricity has not been popular with John Q. Public.政府对煤气和电征税的决定不得人心。The movie is popular with men and women.这部电影男女皆爱。Of course, tax cuts are usually popular with (the) voters.当然,减税通常会很受选民们欢迎。The club is popular with media celebrities and literary types.这家俱乐部很受大众传播媒介名流和文学界的喜爱。The area is very popular with picnickers.那个地区很受野餐者的欢迎。Despite his unprepossessing appearance, he was very popular with women.尽管他其貌不扬,但很受女性的欢迎。His innate sense of justice made him popular with his workforce.他那天生的正义感使他在劳工中很受欢迎。The books are deservedly popular with readers.这些书理所当然受到读者的欢迎。Peter's unfailing humour made him popular with his fellow workers.彼得一贯的幽默使他在同事当中很受欢迎。The government's decision to tax gas and electricity has not been popular with Joe Public.政府对煤气和电征税的决定不得人心。The book was meant for children, but it is popular with adults too.这本书是专门给孩子写的,但是也很受成年人欢迎。This type of pension plan is popular with business owners or property-rich investors.这种养老金计划在拥有自己生意的或是拥有多处房产的人中很受欢迎。The restaurant is deservedly popular with all who enjoy Mexican food.这家餐馆理所当然地受到所有爱吃墨西哥食品的人的欢迎。The President is very popular with Jewish voters.总统很受犹太选民欢迎。He was popular with the rich but failed to win the support of the masses.他很受贵族阶层的欢迎,但没有赢得民众的支持。He is scrupulously fair, and popular with his staff.他为人光明磊落,受到员工们的欢迎。He is popular with left-wingers in the party.他受党内左翼成员的喜爱。This area is immensely popular with tourists.这个地方非常受游客的喜爱。She is too popular with the public to find much favour with the critics.她太受公众喜爱了,却不大受评论界青睐。It's the liveliest bar in town, very popular with the tourists.这是城里最热闹的酒吧,很受游客欢迎。Neither of these extremist solutions seemed very popular with the voters.这两个过激的解决办法似乎没有一个受到选民欢迎。Swimming is popular with all ages.游泳是老老少少都喜爱的。




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