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词汇 popping
例句 We heard the sound of popping champagne corks next door.我们听到隔壁砰砰开香槟酒的声音。Frankie's eyes were popping with amazement.弗朗基吃惊地瞪大了双眼。The monkeys in our zoo are popping all the time.我们动物园里的猴子一直在生小猴子。Champagne corks were popping.香槟的软木塞砰地弹了出来。The children were popping off their toy guns.孩子们在开玩具枪。They celebrated in style by popping open a bottle of champagne.他们别具风格地开了一瓶香槟酒来庆祝。The sun kept popping in and out between the white clouds.太阳在白云间时隐时现。I'm just popping out for a newspaper.我正要出去买份报纸。Problems kept popping up.问题层出不穷。The kids were popping all the birthday balloons.孩子们把所有的生日气球都弄爆了。New evidence has been popping up every day in the trial.在审讯过程中,新的证据每天不断出现。He kept popping in and out, asking all kinds of questions.他不停地进进出出,问各种各样的问题。The others are meeting to see what they can do to shut him up. He's been popping off to the press.其他人正在开会看看他们能做些什么使他闭嘴。他一直在媒体面前口没遮拦地乱说。He keeps popping into my office on the slightest pretext.他总是随便找个借口就跑到我的办公室来。Coffee shops seem to be popping up everywhere.咖啡店现在似乎随处可见。I'm just popping round to Mary's to borrow some milk.我正要赶着去玛丽家借点牛奶。Rats are popping out in unprecedented numbers in village halls as well as rubbish dumps.村务大厅里从来没有这么多上蹿下跳的老鼠,也从没像现在这样垃圾成堆。Guns were popping in the distance.枪声在远处砰砰作响。Her name keeps popping up in the newspapers.她的名字时不时地出现在报纸上。I'm popping to the shop, I won't be long.我去一下商店,马上就回来。If you swallow as the plane takes off, it stops your ears from popping.在飞机起飞时做吞咽的动作可以防止耳朵胀痛。I'm just popping round to John's.我正要去约翰家。The popcorn is done popping.爆米花在噼啪声中做好了。He spends his time getting drunk and popping pills.他把时间都花在了酗酒和嗑药上。I must be popping out for a haircut.我得出去理一下发。The cook kept popping up from the kitchen.厨师一次又一次地从厨房里走过来。The daffodils and tulips are popping up everywhere.水仙花和郁金香从四处一下子冒了出来。His eyes were popping out of his head with astonishment when he saw how big it was!看到它有这么大,他吃惊得眼睛都鼓出来了。The hockey player was ejected from the game for popping off to the referee.这名冰球选手因为对裁判员怒吼被取消了比赛资格。I've been popping pills all week for this cold.因为感冒,我这一周都在服药。We heard the sound of corks popping as the celebration began.庆祝会开始时,我们听到瓶塞打开的砰砰声。The engine began coughing and popping.发动机噗哧噗哧地响了起来。




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