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词汇 poor people
例句 She sympathized with these poor people because of the way she herself had suffered.她同情这些穷人,因为她自己受过苦。Those poor people have really gone/been through the wringer lately.那些可怜的人最近受尽磨难。She reflected that there were still a lot of poor people living in the mountainous districts.她考虑到在山区还住着很多穷苦的人。“I shall not live here any more,”He's too proud to speak to poor people like us.他太骄傲了,从不与我们这样的穷人说话。The government should make laws to protect poor people.政府应该制定法律保护穷人。We need to provide poor people with better dental care.我们需要向穷人提供更好的牙齿保健。Their votes reflect how they feel toward poor people.他们的投票反映了他们对穷人的看法。I hurt for those poor people.我同情那些穷人。Children constitute four out of every ten poor people in the United States.美国每十个穷人中就有四个是儿童。To such poor people, the idea of having a choice of food is barely imaginable.对如此贫苦的人来说,挑选食物是想也不敢想的事。These poor people live in the most degrading conditions.这些穷人生活在极其卑微的条件下。Thousands of poor people still want food and shelter.成千上万的穷人仍然缺少食物和住所。We must help these poor people in their great distress.我们必须帮助这些极端贫困的穷人。These apparent gains disguise the fact that the poor people fail to benefit from these programmes.这些表面所得掩盖了穷人从这些计划中并无得益的事实。It is a paradox that in such a rich country there should be so many poor people.在这么一个富有的国家中竟有这么多穷人,真是咄咄怪事。Any more cuts in government aid to these poor people will be twisting the knife in the wound.如果再减少政府对这些穷人的资助,那将是雪上加霜。The tragedy is that this whole region remains teeming with desperately poor people.可悲的是这整个地区仍然挤满了穷困的人。The way poor people are treated in this country is a positive disgrace.穷苦人民受到这样的待遇简直是这个国家的耻辱。Those poor people are hurting and need our help.那些穷人生活困难,需要我们的帮助。A lot of poor people are slipping through the net because they don't know what they're entitled to.许多穷人没有受到保护是因为他们不清楚自己所拥有的权利。Yes, I quite agree. Why should poor people pay so much tax?是的,我完全同意。为什么穷人要交那么多税?The state should provide more/better housing for poor people. 国家应该给贫困人口提供更多/更好的住房。The rise in living costs struck the poor people of the country.生活费用的上涨使国内的穷人遭殃。They disenfranchised poor people by making property ownership a requirement for registering to vote.他们把拥有财产定为注册选举的必需条件,从而剥夺了穷人的选举权。The technological revolution has failed to improve the lives of poor people in developing countries.在发展中国家,技术革命未能改善穷人的生活。Taxing poor people to pay for hospitals is always self- defeating.向穷人征税以支付医院费用,这种做法总是适得其反的。The towns are on the way to becoming agglomerations of desperately poor people.这些城市正逐渐变为极度贫穷之人的聚居地。From my point of view, the president hasn't done enough to help poor people.在我看来,总统在帮助贫困人口方面做得还不够。These poor people lack the basic necessities of life.这些穷人缺乏生活的基本必需品。Food, clothes, and money were channeled through churches to the poor people of the、衣物和钱款通过教会组织送到了这个村子的穷人手中。It is the government's duty to distribute handouts to poor people at hard time.在困难时期给穷人分发救济品是政府的责任。The present tax system penalizes poor people.现行税收制度对穷人不利。He has always shown a genuine concern for poor people.他总是真心实意地关心穷人。A lot of poor people were unhoused.很多穷人无家可归。They seem to be indifferent to the problems of poor people.他们似乎对穷人的问题漠不关心。Please, open your hearts to these poor people. They desperately need your help.求求你们,发发善心。这些可怜的人非常需要你们的帮助。




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