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词汇 poorest
例句 The group wants the debt of the world's poorest countries to be pardoned. 该组织希望免除世界上最贫穷国家的债务。The rebels came overwhelmingly from the poorest strata of rural society.叛乱分子绝大多数来自农村的最贫困阶层。The hated dictator had turned his country into one of the poorest police states in Europe.这个为人深恶痛绝的独裁者把他的国家变成了欧洲最贫穷的极权国家之一。The views of the richest householders converged with those of the poorest and created a new consensus.最富有和最贫穷的房主们看法一致,达成了新的共识。The situation in the region's poorest country remains volatile and highly unpredictable.该地区最贫困的国家的形势依然多变,很难预测。I looked around the glittering room and it struck me that I was probably the poorest person there.我环顾一屋子珠光宝气的人,忽然想到我也许是那里最穷的人了。They are canvassing some of the poorest streets in the district.他们正在该地区最贫困的几个街区拉选票。Most of the world's poorest countries are in Africa.世界上最穷的国家多数在非洲。The Methodist mission is situated in one of the poorest parts of the city.循道宗传教团设于这个城市最贫穷的地方之一。The Prime Minister toured the poorest area of the city.首相巡视了这座城市最贫穷的地区。North Africans make up the largest and poorest immigrant group in the country.北非人构成了该国最大的、也是最贫困的移民群。Everyone from the richest down to the poorest had to pay the tax.每个人,从最富的到最穷的,都得纳税。They called on Western nations to commit more money to the poorest nations.他们呼吁西方国家为那些极度贫穷的国家多拨钱款。They say God told them to go on a mission to the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.他们说上帝要他们到西半球最贫困的国家去传教布道。They campaigned for debt cancellation for the poorest countries of the world.他们发起了为世界上最贫困国家免除债务的运动。The reforms have caused severe economic hardship for the poorest members of the population.改革使贫困人口遇到了严重的经济困难。It's one of the richest/poorest nations in the world.这是世界上最富裕/最贫穷的国家之一。Workers who went abroad for jobs came from the poorest sectors of Pakistani society.出国工作的工人来自巴基斯坦最贫穷的社会阶层。These cuts will hit the poorest members of society.这些削减措施将会影响最贫穷的社会成员。The very poorest parents are not in work, they are living on benefit.正是这些极端贫困的父母没有工作,靠救济金过活。The poorest families pay no tax on food because their food stamp purchases are tax-exempt.最贫困的家庭不用在食品上缴税,因为他们用食品卷购买是免税的。As a child she lived in one of New York's poorest ghettos.童年时,她居住的地方是纽约最贫穷的贫民区之一。What tends to happen is that the poorest families end up in the worst housing.最可能出现的情况是最穷的家庭往往居住条件最差。They argued the case for extra government assistance for the poorest regions.他们主张政府给予最贫困地区额外补助。The gap between the best and poorest childcare provision in the European Union has widened.欧盟最好和最差的儿童保育服务之间的差距扩大了。They say God spoke to them and told them to go on a mission to the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.他们说上帝让他们去西半球最贫困的国家传播教义。Voting through cuts in benefits to the poorest people is a matter of shame for all of us.投票通过削减最贫困人民福利的计划,是我们所有人的羞耻。For the poorest people, life was merely a matter of survival.对最贫穷的人来说,生活只是争取活命。Vietnam is among the poorest nations on Earth.卢旺达是全球最贫穷的国家之一。Under the agreement, Britain will cancel hundreds of millions of pounds in debts owed to it by some of world's poorest countries.根据该协议,英国将免除世界上一些最不发达国家欠下的数亿英镑的债务。Workers who went to the Gulf came from the poorest sectors of Pakistani society.前往海湾的工人来自巴基斯坦最贫穷的社会阶层。He has worked among some of the world's poorest people.他帮助过一些世界上最穷困的人。The irony is that some of the poorest countries have the richest natural resources.具有讽刺意味的是有些最穷的国家拥有最丰富的自然资源。Tremendous wrongs were being perpetrated on the poorest and least privileged human beings.对最贫穷和最没有特权的人们犯下了大量罪行。I was always put with the poorest students in the class.我总是被归入班上最差的学生之列。The PM pledged to make life better for the poorest families.首相承诺改善最贫困家庭的生活状况。Many of the city's poorest residents are migrants from rural areas.城里最贫困的居民中有许多都是来自乡村的移居者。Britain took the lead in promoting debt relief for the poorest countries.英国率先提倡免除最穷国家的债务。These changes will help close the gap between the richest and the poorest countries.这些变化将有助于缩小最贫穷和最富裕国家之间的差距。Mr Meacher quoted statistics saying that the standard of living of the poorest people had fallen.米彻先生援引统计数据来说明最贫困人口的生活水平下降了。




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