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词汇 pooped
例句 The old radio finally pooped out.这台旧收音机最终还是坏了。I'm pooped! I must get some sleep.我累死了!得睡会儿觉。The engine pooped out before we reached our destination.在我们抵达目的地之前发动机就坏了。This ivy was green at a time when other ivies had pooped out.这株常春藤在其他常春藤已经凋谢时依然青翠。The boys are too pooped to fight.男孩子们太累了,没力气打架。I can't walk any further - I'm pooped!我再也走不动了,我快喘不过气来了!I'm all pooped out.我现在疲惫不堪。We worked all morning but we pooped out in the afternoon.我们工作了一上午,下午就累瘫了。One of the boats was pooped by a large wave and sank immediately.其中一条船的船尾受到巨浪的冲击,立刻便沉没了。Your puppy's just pooped right outside my front door.你的小狗刚在我家前门外拉屎了。The dog pooped on the lawn.那只狗在草坪上拉了屎。That hike really pooped me out.那次远足真把我累坏了。Dan pooped out about halfway through the race.丹体力不继,中途退出了比赛。Wow, I'm pooped. I don't feel like going to the gym tonight.啊,我累极了,今晚不想去健身房了。The laptop's battery pooped out after only two hours.手提计算机的电池才用了两个小时就用完了。The summer heat made us feel pooped out.夏季的炎热使我们感到十分困乏。We were pooped after a long day of work.工作一整天后我们都累坏了。I was really pooped by the end of the day.一天下来我真的是筋疲力尽。




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