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词汇 polling
例句 When you are there, in the polling booth, nobody can see where you put your cross.在投票间投票时,没人能看见你投给谁。I went into a polling station and cast my vote.我去投票站投了票。Despite the violence that preceded the elections, polling was orderly and peaceful.尽管选举前发生了暴力事件,投票进程仍然是和平有序的。Opponents say their polling indicates a significant change in attitude.反对派称他们的民调显示人们的态度发生了显著变化。We need tighter security at the polling sites.我们需要在投票站采取更加严密的安全措施。It is a requirement in electoral law for polling to be in secret.选举法要求投票必须采取无记名方式。Will you need transport on polling day?投票那天你要不要用车?In Darlington, queues formed at some polling booths.在达灵敦,一些投票站前排起了队。Rumours of the likelihood of an upset filtered in from the polling stations.从投票站传出了可能出现冷门结果的传言。You can cast your vote at the local polling station.你可以在当地的投票站投票。They handshook their way right up to the polling box.他们握着手一直走到投票箱跟前。The polling of cattle has been practised there for centuries.给牛去角的做法在那里已经沿袭了几个世纪。The polling was done by telephone.那个民意调查是通过电话进行的。Security is tight this week at the polling sites.这个星期,各投票点的安全工作抓得很严。A high turnout was reported at the polling booths.来自投票站的消息称投票率很高。Elections were postponed the day before polling was due to take place.在原定投票日的前一天,选举推迟了。Some voters waited in line for up to two hours before polling booths opened.投票站还没开门就有一些选民排了长达两个小时的队。He walked to the local polling centre to cast his vote.他走到当地的投票中心投了票。Our polling indicates that this is a popular move with voters.我们的民意测验表明这是一个受选民们欢迎的举措。Foreign Office polling showed an astonishing level of ignorance.外交部民调显示,人们对此的无知程度令人震惊。All the polling evidence shows that the public are deeply sceptical on this issue.所有的民调证据都表明,公众对这一问题深表怀疑。Queues formed even before polling stations opened.投票站还没有开门,就有人排起了队。Security was tight at the polling stations.投票站戒备森严。Rioting broke out just three days before polling day.就在投票日前三天发生了骚乱。There has been a busy start to polling in today's local elections.今天地方选举的投票一开始就人头攒动。Good weather on polling day should ensure a good turnout.投票日天气好应该能让相当多的人来投票。Despite the violence that preceded the elections, reports say that polling was orderly and peaceful.虽然选举之前有过暴力事件,但有报道称投票过程秩序井然,波澜不惊。The announcement of her resignation came just two days before polling was to begin.就在投票前两天宣布她辞职了。In spite of sporadic violence, polling was largely orderly.尽管有偶发的暴力事件,投票大体上是有序的。




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