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词汇 polled
例句 The smaller city polled substantially more votes.较小的城市反而得到了多得多的选票。The result showed he had polled enough votes to force a second ballot.结果显示,他已获得了足够把对手拖入二次投票的票数。The jury were polled for their verdict.对陪审团成员的裁定进行了征询。He polled four times as many votes as his rival.他获得的选票数是其对手的四倍。Half the people polled said they would pay more for environmentally friendly food.半数接受调查者说他们愿意多花钱买环保食物。He polled 54 percent of the votes.他获得百分之五十四的选票。Milgram polled a wide range of people beforehand.米尔格拉姆预先进行了大范围的民意测验。He polled his vote early that morning.那天他一大早投了票。About half of the people polled had tried smoking.大约一半的受访者曾尝试吸烟。Doubtfuls constitute 7% of those polled.百分之七的受调查人群持犹豫态度。The magazine polled its readers on their eating habits. 那家杂志对其读者进行了一次饮食习惯的调查。A majority of those polled were worried about inflation.接受民意测验中的大多数人担心通货膨胀。We polled the members about the change in rules.我们就规则的变化请全体成员投票。They polled barely half the vote.他们获得的选票勉强达到半数。




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