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词汇 poles
例句 There were rows of poles supporting young bean plants.一排排支杆支撑着幼小的豆苗。Using ropes and wooden poles for leverage, they haul sacks of cement up the track.利用绳子和木棍取得杠杆作用,他们把几大袋水泥从轨道上拖开。Their political beliefs are at opposite poles.他们的政治信念截然相反。She prodded little poles in the damp sand with her parasol.她用阳伞在潮湿的沙地上戳出一个个小洞。They were on opposite poles of the argument.他们在争辩中是对立的双方。Wires criss-cross between the tops of the poles, forming a grid.电线在电线杆顶端纵横交错,形成输电网。Most weather satellites are stationed over the Equator or travel over the poles.大部分气象卫星定位于赤道上空或绕地球两极飞行。The roof was braced with four poles.屋顶由四根柱子支撑。My sister and I are poles apart in personality.我和妹妹在性格上截然相反。We propped the shed's roof with poles.我们用杆子支起了棚顶。The ship was going before the furious tempest under bare poles.船收起帆,顺着狂风航行。Somewhere between the poles of wealth and poverty is the average middle class.界乎贫富两极之间的是一般的中产阶层。The wire was stretched between two poles.金属丝绷在两根杆子之间。Though they were generally poles apart politically, they did agree on this one issue.尽管他们的政见通常相去甚远,但在这个问题上倒是意见一致。The earth is not quite spherical, because it is slightly flat at the poles.地球不完全是球形的,因为两极稍稍扁平。The sun heats the sea more at the equator than at the poles.太阳使赤道附近的海水温度高于极地附近的水温。Similar poles of magnets repel each other, and opposite poles attract.磁铁同极相斥,异极相吸。I gave the poles a slight wobble and the whole tent collapsed.我轻轻晃了晃几根柱子,整个帐篷就倒了。The positive poles of two magnets repel each other.两块磁铁的正极互相排斥。The country could become one of the most important economic poles on our planet.这个国家可能会成为全球最重要的经济中心之一。Politically, they were poles apart.在政治立场上,他们是极端对立的。His behaviour ranges between the poles of restraint and abandon.他的行为不是极端的自我克制就是极端的放纵不羁。The shelter is built by lashing poles together to form a small dome.把杆子扎成一个穹顶小棚就成了遮蔽所。When it comes to politics, we're on opposite poles.在政治方面,我们双方是对立的。The telegraph-poles are fast in the ground.电线杆牢牢扎在地里。Both are brilliant pianists, though they're poles apart in style.两位都是卓越的钢琴家,然而在风格上却大相径庭。The wall was propped up with wooden poles.墙用木桩撑着。They are far apart on most issues. = They are worlds/poles apart on most issues. 在大多数问题上,他们的看法都相去甚远。The vines were trained along wires slung between tall poles.藤蔓经修剪后沿着悬在两根高杆子间的铁丝攀缘生长。The poles were placed wide apart.这些柱子间距很大。He connected the poles of the tent.他把帐篷的支杆串了起来。The thugs robbed him and left him under bare poles.恶棍们抢了他,连衣服都给剥光了。The opposite poles of magnets attract each other.磁体的相反两极相互吸引。Opposite poles attract, like poles repel.相反两个磁极互相吸引,相同两个磁极则互相排斥。Harris pushed some poles into the earth for the beans to climb up.哈里斯把一些棍子插进土里,让豆秧顺着爬。These two men might be thought to represent the opposite poles of economic ideology.这两个人可能被认为是两种截然相反的经济思想体系的代表者。She is, socially, poles apart from her fiancé.她在社交方面和她的未婚夫根本不是一路人。They are poles apart in their attitude to education.他们对教育的态度大相径庭。At the same time the canoe-men raised baskets of fruit on hooked poles to the hands on the gangway.同时,小艇划手用带钩的杆子将一篮篮水果挑起来,递给舷梯上的船员。We'd walked along by the Cam and watched people punting with long poles.我们沿着卡姆河漫步,看着人们用长长的篙撑着平底船。




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