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词汇 point up
例句 Low literacy rates among the women in this area point up the need for much greater investment in girls’ education.该地区女性识字率低,突出了增加女子教育投资的需要。The destruction caused by the earthquake points up the need for improvements in construction standards.地震造成的毁坏凸显出提高建筑标准的必要性。Her research points up the difficulty of finding a solution.她的研究突出了寻求解决方案的困难。These cases point up the complete incompetence of some government departments.这些事例清楚地表明某些政府部门十分无能。We need to have the brickwork pointed up quickly.我们必须快点重新勾抹砖房的接缝。The walls should be pointed up before they are covered with cement,this will help to make it stick.在给墙抹水泥之前得把墙弄得毛糙,这样水泥才能粘上去。The ship would point up better on the port tack.船左舷迎风行驶将是比较好些。His report card can point up his talent for maths.他的成绩报告单能清楚地表明他有数学才能。The recent treatment of asylum-seekers points up the issue even more.最近对避难申请者的处理更加突出了这方面的问题。Recent protests in the north of the country point up the dilemma the opposition forces are in.近来该国北部地区发生的抗议表明反政府军处于进退维谷的局面。What this points up is the increasing discontent of the armed forces.这件事凸显了武装部队中日益不满的情绪。The speaker pointed up the importance of improving public education.演讲者指出了改善公共教育的重要性。He pointed up to the roof, through which the steady drumming of rain could be heard.他向上指着屋顶,透过屋顶可以听到雨点嘀嘀嗒嗒落个不停。The official report into the disaster points up a whole catalog of errors and oversights.这次灾难的官方报告直指有关人员一连串的失误和疏忽。




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