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词汇 poaching
例句 You will need a pot of broth for poaching.你需要一锅汤来煮。You can't keep other candidates from poaching on your turf. 你无法阻止其他竞选者拉走你的选票。Many National Parks are regularly invaded by people poaching game.很多国家公园都经常遭偷猎者擅闯。She was accused of poaching the material for her essay from a Web site.她的文章被指是从一个网站剽窃来的。Her former company accused her of poaching clients.她以前的公司指责她挖走了客户。The farmer claimed that he shot the men because they were poaching on his land.农场主声称他开枪射杀那些人是因为他们侵入他的地界偷猎。The two men were caught poaching lions on government land.两名男子在政府土地上偷猎狮子时被捕。The state fines anyone who is caught poaching.在这个州,任何人被发现偷猎都将被罚款。Many wildlife parks are regularly invaded by people poaching game.很多野生动物园都时常遭到偷猎之徒的侵入。The union was accused of poaching.该工会被指挖人墙脚。




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