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词汇 pneumonia
例句 Churchill had several attacks of pneumonia.丘吉尔曾几次肺炎发作。He caught/contracted pneumonia over the winter.他在冬天感染了肺炎。Mother became seriously ill with pneumonia.母亲得了肺炎,病得很重。He was then struck down by pneumonia.他那时患肺炎病倒。She developed pneumonia which landed her in hospital.她患上肺炎,住进了医院。She'll catch pneumonia going out without a coat in this weather!她这种天气不穿大衣出去会得肺炎的!Her broken leg healed well, but she died of the pneumonia which followed as a complication.她的腿部骨折愈合得很好,但死于并发症肺炎。Many elderly patients die because, with a reduced immunity, winter ills too readily become pneumonia.很多老年病人死亡是由于免疫力降低使冬季的小病极易变成肺炎。After her family brought her home from hospital, she developed pneumonia.家人把她从医院接回家后,她患上了肺炎。Have you ever had pneumonia?你患过肺炎吗?The new drug lessens the severity of pneumonia episodes.新药减轻了肺炎发作时的痛苦。Heavy lung infections may result in pneumonia.严重的肺部感染可能会引起肺炎。She died from bronchial pneumonia.她死于支气管肺炎。In the First World War pneumonia was as deadly as bullets and shells.第一次世界大战时,肺炎跟枪炮一样致命。He was carried off by pneumonia.他被肺炎夺去了生命。She had feared she was going down with pneumonia or bronchitis.她担心会得肺炎或支气管炎。He contracted pneumonia and came within breaths of dying.他得了肺炎, 差一点一命呜呼。She had feared that she was going down with pneumonia.她担心自己会感染肺炎。Her father died from/of double pneumonia. 她的父亲死于双侧肺炎。She was taken to hospital, suffering from pneumonia.她得了肺炎,被送往医院。She contracted pneumonia and died.她得肺炎死了。Nearly as many again died from pneumonia.几乎又有那么多人死于肺炎。His life was finally extinguished by the onset of pneumonia.他生命之火终于因肺炎的侵袭而被掐灭了。The doctor told him to watch for symptoms of pneumonia.医生叫他留意有无肺炎的症状。The prison doctor diagnosed pneumonia.狱医的诊断结论为肺炎。She was fading fast from the effects of the pneumonia.受肺炎的影响,她变得日益虚弱。He was seriously ill with pneumonia.他患了严重的肺炎。A cold predisposes a person to pneumonia.感冒易使患者感染肺炎。Penicillin cured him of pneumonia.青霉素治愈了他的肺炎。The doctors suspected pneumonia.医生怀疑是肺炎。His doctor made an initial diagnosis of pneumonia.医生初步诊断他得了肺炎。A bad cold can lead to pneumonia.重伤风可能导致肺炎。The immediate cause of death was pneumonia.导致死亡的直接原因是肺炎。He had heart problems for many years, but it was pneumonia that got him in the end.他患心脏病多年,但最终要他命的却是肺炎。She nearly died of pneumonia.她差一点死于肺炎。His disease was complicated by pneumonia.他的病因并发肺炎而加重。Most people do not have to be hospitalized for asthma or pneumonia.大多数哮喘或肺炎患者无需住院。I had a bad attack of pneumonia and spent two days in hospital on a drip.我得了严重的肺炎,在医院输了两天液。




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