例句 |
Good plumbers are in demand in our town.我们镇需要大量优秀的管道工。The plumbers made a botch of the pipes. 管道工们把管道修得实在糟糕。Local tradespeople like plumbers and electricians have raised their rates.当地像水管工和电工这样的技工都涨工钱了。The plumbers did a crummy job putting in the new sink.这些管子工安装新水槽的活干得不怎么样。Did you know that plumbers can take home as much as $40,000 a year?你知道吗,水管工一年能挣到四万美元呢。Many plumbers charge double for an emergency call-out over the weekend.许多水管工在周末紧急出工时会收双倍费用。 |