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词汇 play at
例句 He's a very ambitious lad and he wants to play at the highest level.他是个很有抱负的小伙子,想参加最高水平的比赛。When I was young we played at pirates whenever we were on the beach.小时候,我们只要去沙滩就要玩海盗游戏。The children played at hide-and-seek.孩子们玩捉迷藏游戏。The king and queen always had minstrels play at their feasts.国王和王后总是要音乐家在宴会上表演。Little boys like to play at being soldiers.小男孩喜欢装扮士兵玩。The children are doing a play at the end of term.期末孩子们要演一出剧。Roz keeps her squash kit at the office and plays at lunchtime.罗兹把壁球服放在办公室里,午餐时间去打球。Can we play at cards this evening?我们今晚玩牌好吗?In case of cancellation, the game will be played at a later date. 比赛如若取消,将于日后举行。The final will, of course, be played at a neutral ground. 决赛当然会在中立场地举行。Occasional music was played at the graduation.毕业典礼上演奏了应景的音乐。The jazzman used to play at subway stations before becoming famous.出名以前这位爵士乐家曾经在捷运站演奏。She plays at the National Theatre tonight.今晚她在国家戏院演出。She likes to play at dolls with her daughter.她喜欢和女儿在一起玩娃娃。The football team play away these days and play at home next Saturday.足球队这几天在外地比赛,下星期只在本地比赛。Musicians played at the front and rear of the procession.乐师们在队前和队尾表演。They hired a Beatles tribute band to play at the reception.他们雇了一支甲壳虫乐队的翻唱乐队在招待会上演出。The new play at the Empire Theatre was a complete fiasco.在帝国大戏院上演的新戏完全失败了。He played at the country club as a guest of one of the members.他作为乡村俱乐部一位会员的特邀嘉宾,在俱乐部里打球。Let's play at pirates!咱们扮海盗玩吧!The music teacher agreed that Dave should play at the school concert.音乐老师认为,戴夫应该在学校音乐会上演奏。When Jack made that remark, he meant merely to play at her.杰克讲那句话,只是想嘲弄她。They decided to expand the role that new technologies play at the hospital.他们决定让新技术在医院发挥更大的作用。He was called safe on a close play at first base.他在一垒差点被杀出局,但还是安全上垒。The children are acting in a play at school.孩子们正在学校表演戏剧。She plays at the local tennis club.她在本地的网球俱乐部打球。The school always puts on a play at Christmas.圣诞节时学校总会演一场戏。It's a great thrill for a cricket-lover like me to play at the home of cricket.对我这样的板球爱好者来说,能够在板球的故乡比赛是一件令人无比兴奋的事。Can we play at cards this evening?今晚我们打牌好吗?The game was played at a furious pace.比赛节奏非常快。The band was booked to play at the reception.已约定了那支乐队在招待会上演奏。The children love to play at hide-and-seek here.孩子们喜欢在此捉迷藏。His parents are so rich that he can just play at being a businessman.他父母有的是钱,以致他可以敷衍了事地作个商人。Rain again interrupted play at Wimbledon today.降雨今天又把温布尔登网球锦标赛打断了。Davis is currently appearing in a play at the Thorndike Theatre.戴维斯目前正在桑代克剧院演出一部戏剧。I heard the orchestra play at Carnegie Hall last summer.去年夏天我在卡内基音乐厅聆听了这个交响乐团的演奏。More than 60 youngsters will perform in the play at Old Town Theater in Los Gatos.在洛斯加托斯古镇剧院上演的这出戏中,将有六十多个年轻人参加演出。Ed played at being a pirate.埃德假扮海盗。The match will be played at a neutral venue.比赛将在中立方的赛场举行。This will be her first opportunity to play at international level.这将是她第一次参加国际水平的比赛。




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