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词汇 achievements
例句 The fact that he is so young makes his achievements even more impressive.他竟然如此年轻,这一点使他的成就愈发令人钦佩。The test measures children's achievements in reading, spelling and maths.这项测验评估小孩子在阅读、拼写和数学方面的成绩。I don't want to diminish her achievements, but she did have a lot of help.我不想贬低她的成就,但她确实得到了很多帮助。I am second to none in my admiration of her achievements.我对她的成就无比钦佩。She received awards for her academic achievements/accomplishments.她因学术成就受到了表彰。His various achievements are most impressive.他多方面的成就给人以深刻的印象。These achievements were not of intellectual mintage.这些成就并非智力的产物。He was justifiably proud of his achievements.他有理由为自己的成就感到骄傲。The Olympics are all about celebrating sporting achievements.奥林匹克运动会其实是庆祝体育成就的盛会。We are tired of his aggrandizement of his own achievements.我们对他夸大自己的成就感到厌恶。The book is a careful assessment of the president's achievements.这本书仔细评价了这位总裁的业绩。Their achievements have already been analysed in depth and do not require further discussion.他们的成就已经全面分析过了,无需再议。He said wearing the armband for England was one of the "greatest achievements" of his life.他说,带上英格兰队的队长袖标是他一生中“最伟大的成绩”。Her achievements in politics imitated her earlier successes in business.她政治上的成就如同她早先经商时的成功业迹。Use bold type for headings and bullet points for noteworthy achievements.标题使用粗黑字体,显著的成就要用着重号标示。Your achievements are a fine example of what can be accomplished by determination and hard work.你的成就充分说明了决心与勤奋能取得怎样的成功。The awards ceremony was intended to celebrate the achievements of young artists.这次颁奖典礼旨在祝贺年轻艺术家取得的成就。Her achievements fade into insignificance beside those of her sisters.她的成绩与姐妹们的相比简直是微不足道。Their achievements are not commensurable.他们的成就是不能相比的。The town takes immense pride in recent achievements.全镇人对近来取得的成就都感到非常自豪。They have established a scholarship as a way to honor his memory/achievements.他们设立了奖学金来纪念他/赞颂他的成就。Her achievements in this field have been rightly praised.她在这一领域的成就得到了恰如其分的赞扬。He spoke about his achievements without pretension.他讲述自己成就的时候并没有自命不凡。The concerto has been called "the ne plus ultra of his achievements".这首协奏曲被称为他的成就的最好体现。My father's achievements really don't have any bearing on what I do.我父亲的成就与我做的事情真的毫无关联。His achievements earned him the acclaim of the scientific community.他的成就赢得了科学界的赞誉。The achievements of this period were without precedent in history.这一时期取得的成就是史无前例的。His achievements, though hardly exciting, were widely admired.他的成就虽然算不上激动人心,但依然广受赞赏。His achievements attest his devotion to science.他的成就是他对科学的献身精神的明证。He spoke proudly of his son's achievements.他骄傲地说起他儿子的成就。He made light of his own achievements.他视自己的成就微不足道。Your academic achievements will redound to the fame of the research institution.你的学术成就将有助于提高这个研究所的声誉。We are full of admiration for your achievements.我们对你的成就充满钦佩。Their achievements are little short of miraculous.他们的成就简直是奇迹。The pitcher's outstanding performance should not overshadow the achievements of the rest of the team.投手出色的表现不应当遮住其他队员的成就。I marvelled at her tremendous achievements.我对她的非常成就感到很惊讶。She underplays her achievements.她对自己取得的成就很低调。Mitchell's greatest achievements have been in the diplomatic sphere.米切尔的最大成就是在外交领域。Graham's achievements helped secure him the job.出色的成绩帮助格雷厄姆拿下了这份工作。Your achievements are worthy of respect. 你的成就值得尊重。




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